Friday, September 21, 2007

Avoid the spin Around Abbas-he is no Moderate; yet we are ...

Abbas-a fox in “moderate” clothing Abbas is the one who invited Hamas into the political process of the PA, and into the security forces.

Abbas continues his constant appeals to merge his Fatah terror group with Hamas and Islamic Jihad

Abbas is the one who not so many months ago stood at a rally and -- in an effort to bring conciliation between Fatah and Hamas -- said it was forbidden to point guns at Palestinian brothers, and all the guns should be pointed at Israel.

Abbas is the one who signed on to a unity government with a Hamas that refused to recognize Israel.

Abbas promised not to speak to the Hamas and he has just concluded “secret talks” with them

Abbas was party to the plan to take Israel in stages. A formal PLO resolution outlining this strategy, called the ‘Phased Plan,’ was adopted in 1974,” according to Arafat was referring to after the Oslo signing.

Abbas was a Holocaust denier when he wrote that and remains one.

In 2005, Abbas refused to disarm the armed wing of his own Fatah party, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (photos), much less Hamas.

Abbas recently said again "Hamas is not required, Hamas is not required to recognize Israel... It is not required of Hamas, nor of Fatah, nor of the Popular Front to recognize Israel."

Abbas said and still believes “The refugees…have the right reserved to return to their homeland and every place they have left…this is not only limited to land under the sovereignty of the PA. We demand their return to Jaffa, to Haifa and the other regions they came from.”

Abbas lauded Arafat’s rejection of Barak’s offer at Camp David in 2000 …”they say ‘we offered 95 percent [of the territory],’ and I ask why not 100 percent.”

And now, Abbas is playing both ends against the middle, for while he is playing at negotiations, he is also reaching out to Hamas to re-establish that unity government. Abbas adamantly seeks "return of the refugees," a code word for destroying Israel from within .

Abbas's style is significantly different, but his goal -- the ultimate destruction of Israel -- is not so different from that of Hamas. A partner for peace.

Thanks also to Arlene Kushner

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