Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fatah carries out jihad terror attacks, promises more to come

Now wait a minute. Fatah. Isn't that supposed to be the peaceful group? The one that is poised to accept magnanimously a package of Israel concessions and the creation of a Palestinian state, in exchange for a chimerical peace that it doesn't have the power to enforce even if it wanted to?One would expect that this group would at very least abstain from jihad terror attacks until this phony peace process plays itself out. The fact that they are not doing so shows that they have realized what a charade this whole thing is, and how impervious to evidence Bush and Rice are, so desperate are they to carve a legacy out of this man's disastrous presidency. These attacks prove, if there was ever any doubt up to now, that they know they can continue to kill Israeli civilians with impunity, while in Washington the President and the Secretary of State will continue no matter what to insist that they want peace, and that they're sincere about peaceful coexistence with Israel. And when this madness will dissipate, and what victories the jihadists will have been granted in the meantime, is anybody's guess.

"Fatah: More attacks to come," by Ali Waked for Ynet News (thanks to Jerusalem Posts):

Fatah activists belonging to the "Brigades of Return" and to "Black September" claimed responsibility for carrying out the shooting attack in Shoafat Thursday evening. The attack left one Israeli dead and another one seriously wounded.

A spokesman on behalf of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing, told Ynet that the attackers "returned to their base safely."

The Fatah spokesman called a Ynet reporter to claim responsibility for the attack and said it marked the continuation of the organization's new policy, as reported last week in another talk with Ynet. In that talk, the group said it was no longer committed to the calm with Israel and added that small cells were again active across the West Bank in order to prepare for a series of attacks.

"This is our proof that we are no longer committed to the calm and that we do not intend to continue handing over our weapons," the spokesman said. "We are only committed to resistance against the Israeli occupation. The next attacks are already underway, we promised a response within a few days and this is the first operation in a series of operations."

The spokesman refused to address the attack's implications on diplomatic negotiations currently underway and said that at this time his organization was only committed to "respond to Israel's crimes in the Strip and to the killing of group members in the West Bank."...

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