Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New York: Muslim satellite TV company owner pleads guilty to broadcasting Hizballah TV

How many subscribers to Al-Manar did he have? Where are they now? Have they dropped their support for the jihad and Islamic supremacism? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? "New York man admits he helped air Hezbollah TV," from The Associated Press, December 23 (thanks to Sr. Soph):. ...Javed Iqbal entered the plea in federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday. He declined comment afterward. As part of the plea, Iqbal agreed to serve a prison term of up to six and a half years. Sentencing was set for March 24.

Prosecutors say Iqbal used satellite dishes on his Staten Island home to distribute broadcasts of Al Manar, the television station of the Lebanon-based organization that has been fighting Israel since the early 1980s.

Weaselly sentence alert:

Israel and the U.S. consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization and accuse it of being behind deadly attacks in Lebanon and abroad.

Iqbal, 45, was born in Pakistan but has lived in the United States for more than 20 years. He is a permanent resident with five children. A former New York Police Department officer was among those who signed his $250,000 bail package.

Although Americans are granted freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution, the government contended in this case that Iqbal was not entitled to arrange the satellite broadcast of an organization designated as a terrorist group, regardless of the message....
Thanks Jihad Watch

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