Sunday, May 31, 2009

Israel is a sovereign nation that has earned its right to exist and prosper for its own good and the good of its allies

Nidra Poller

An address delivered at the AMCHA rally in Washington DC May 18th in the distant presence of Bibi and Barack Hussein

Israel will act in its own interests

Defend itself when attacked

Live by its own values

Criticize its own faults and take hope in its sterling qualities

If Israel's neighbors want to live in peace with a sovereign Jewish state they do not need a peace process, they do not have to obtain painful concessions, they do not need help from the international community

They can simply begin to live in peace

That includes cutting ties with jihad forces such as hamas and hizbullah
Ending incitement to hatred and destruction of israel and the jews and that includes fatah

Being satisfied with what they have, making it fruitful, developing civil society

Their hope lies in the full honest acceptance of Israel the Jewish homeland not in vain hopes of its destruction. Israel is a precious ally to the united states, One of the most faithful allies we will ever have

An alliance based on shared values and shared interests

The American people know this. We know that talking tough to israel is a sign of dismal weakness

Talking tough to israel, putting pressure on israel is a fool's game that strengthens the enemies of the free world Western civilization is based on values that judaism revealed, cherishes, and sustains

When a civilized nation turns against the Jews it is turning against itself

Israel is point man of a lonely batallion on the front lines of a global conflict

Israel is a bulwark

Badgering Israel with flimsy geopolitical claptrap is suicidal for the free world. Don't do it

I live in France where i witness the destructive effect of anti-Zionism. Obsessive systematic criticism of Israel feeds virulent violent Jew hatred. 350 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in France in January 2009

Why were jews attacked in france when israelis defended themselves against persistent attacks from Hamas-ruled Gaza?

Why? Because anti-Zionism is the modern form of anti-Semitism. Guilt free as long as decent people refuse to recognize its true nature. At this very moment in France the self-named gang of barbarians is on trial for the brutal kidnapping of Ilan Halimi tortured for three weeks finished off and left to die by the railroad tracks in Genevieve sous bois Because two of the perpetrators were just under 18 at the time they committed this savage crime. The trial is being held in huis clos behind closed doors out of the eye of the publicM neighbor in 2003

Thousands of Jews have been attacked beaten stomped stabbed within an inch of their lives since the palestinian authority refused the offer of a state in September of 2000 and declared war against israel

Johanna Justin-Jnich was murdered in Middletown CT because she was Jewish and American media did not even dare investigate this telltale crime they reported briefly and turned away in shame?

Was it too horrifying to wonder if a change in discourse at the highest levels of our government could lead to a deterioration in the condition of American Jews?

Pro-Hamas activists in FT lLauderdale Florida shouted "the Jews to the ovens" in January.

Do not ask us to believe that one more warmed over second hand totally unrealistic plan will pacify the forces of destruction that will engulf all the free world

Not only israel

Not only the jews

Not only westerners

But all who wish to live honorably decently in blessed freedom

These are my notes on the media coverage of the murder of Ms Justin-Jinich. - When people disparage the NY Post and blogs, be thankful that they exist for that is where All the News that's Fit to Print actually appears.

A Jewish co-ed was killed at Weslyan University. NYTimes coverage: Ms. Justin-Jinich was from Timnath, Colo., a town of 200 southeast of Fort Collins. Though her family was Jewish, Justin Bours, who shared an apartment with her at Wesleyan, said Ms. Justin-Jinich regarded herself as an agnostic, and was politically liberal.

She attended a Quaker boarding-preparatory school, the Westtown School in Pennsylvania. At Wesleyan, where she enrolled in 2006, Ms. Justin-Jinich was described by friends as intellectual and passionate about her studies, pursuing a double major, one in Iberian studies and an interdisciplinary major in history, philosophy and literature. She quoted Nietzsche, Epicurus and Rousseau, and was a fan of the Chilean writer-politician Pablo Neruda and the Spanish poet Rafael Alberti Merello, they said. The NYTimes made no mention that the killer had written about killing Jews in a journal found at the crime scene.

The Huffington Post failed to use the word JEW in their coverage of the brutal murder. Associated Press writers Dave Collins in Hartford and John Christoffersen in New Haven contributed to this report.

NY POST, a mere 'rag' by NY Times standards, dug a little deeper into the dead woman's background and noted: Justin-Jinich, then a 19-year-old English/philosophy major from a wealthy Jewish family in Fort Collins, Colo. -- her grandmother is a Holocaust survivor -- was interning at Planned Parenthood in SoHo while taking the NYU course, according to her online journal.

Tenured-radical blog Lays out the perpetrators hatred of Jews in its opening paragraph This story suggests that, prior to gunning her down in cold blood yesterday, Stephen Morgan had been stalking Johanna Justin-Jinich since 2006, but also that there is evidence that this attack was part of a broader plan to harm Jewish students and Wesleyan University. No wonder they want us to stay home until they can locate this guy blog Second sentence-targeting Jews Suspect In Wesleyan Slaying Had Plans For Campus Shooting Spree The man suspected of shooting a Wesleyan University student turned himself in yesterday. Police say he was stalking his victim and planned to go on a shooting spree, targeting both Jews and Wesleyan students.

The Hartford newspaper, The Hartford Courant, reported the crime as an anti-Semitic act immediately and in their following reports

Bail Raised To $15 Million For Suspect In Wesleyan Shooting

Stephen Morgan Held On $15 Million Bail In Shooting Of Wesleyan Student


The Hartford Courant

May 9, 2009,0,5526228.story


Stephen Morgan packed up all of his belongings Tuesday and told his father he was moving to Newport, R.I.

But police said he had a different plan - to gun down Wesleyan University student Johanna Justin-Jinich. He also wrote in a journal of a killing spree targeting Jewish people and "beautiful and smart" Wesleyan students, according to an arrest warrant affidavit released Friday following Morgan's arraignment in Superior Court on a charge of murder.

"Kill Johanna," Morgan wrote the day of the shooting in a journal found at the crime scene, the affidavit states.

"She must Die."

The six-page affidavit offers a glimpse of what Morgan allegedly was doing - and possibly thinking - in the hours leading up to the deadly shooting Wednesday of Justin-Jinich, a 21-year-old junior at the school who police say had been harassed and stalked by Morgan in the past.

The court record also recounts in chilling detail how police said Morgan carried out the attack on Justin-Jinich, of Fort Collins, Colo., who police said was shot several times in the head and body with a 9mm semiautomatic pistol while she worked in the cafe at Broad Street Books.

Citing the serious nature of the case, Superior Court Judge Mary-Margaret Burgdorff Friday raised Morgan's $10 million bail to $15 million during an emotional arraignment hearing.

Morgan's mother and father and two sisters held each other as they sat crying in the gallery. His father, James Morgan, and his sister, Diana, called out "Steve!" as he was being led away by judicial marshals. Stephen Morgan, dressed in a blue jumpsuit, shoeless and shackled, briefly looked back at them.

The afternoon shooting prompted a nearly two-day campus lockdown and nationwide search for Morgan, who, according to a New York City police report, allegedly threatened Justin-Jinich in 2007, when they were attending a New York University summer program.

Morgan, 29, a former Navy petty officer, turned himself in to police late Thursday after public pleas from his family to surrender. Morgan walked into a Meriden convenience store sometime before 10 p.m. Thursday, bought a smoothie and asked a clerk for a phone so he could call police.

Richard R. Brown, Morgan's defense lawyer, said Morgan did not give a statement to police. He called Morgan's bail excessive and said he would argue for a reduction at a May 19 court hearing.

Morgan, Brown said, has no prior convictions, is not a flight risk and the evidence shows there were no other weapons found.

"This is a person that turned himself in when he didn't have to," Brown said.

Moreover, Brown said that Morgan "denies any effort to target the Wesleyan campus or anywhere" in general. Brown said Morgan and Justin-Jinich had been classmates in New York. He said he didn't know if they knew each other before then, or about the nature of their relationship.

"Obviously they knew each other, obviously they communicated with each other - anything beyond that, I don't know."

The warrant sheds little light on the relationship between Morgan and Justin-Jinich. Her father, Daniel Jinich, told detectives his daughter was "having problems with a male stalking her" in 2007. The affidavit cites the New York City Police Department report saying Morgan was harassing and threatening Justin-Jinich through calls and e-mails.

According to the affidavit, James Morgan told police he last saw his son at 11 p.m. Tuesday. On Wednesday, Stephen Morgan traveled to Connecticut in a 2001 Nissan and checked into Room 206 at the Best Way Inn in Middlefield.

That same day, Morgan shared his thoughts in a composition notebook he kept in a computer bag. Around 11 a.m., Morgan recalls "seeing all the beautiful and smart people" at Wesleyan, according to the affidavit. "I think it okay to kill Jews, and go on a killing spree at this school."

And then he mentions one Jewish person in particular, the warrant states.

"Kill Johanna. She must Die."

At about 1 p.m., witnesses at Broad Street Books reported hearing loud "popping" noises and seeing a man wearing what looked like an ill-fitting wig, a baseball cap and eyeglasses running from the first floor to the basement.

Steven Hebenstriet, the general manager of the store, told police he saw the shooter "do a somersault and then jump off" a conveyor belt in the basement. At one point, the men came face to face. The gunman pointed the firearm at Hebenstriet and warned: "Don't say anything or I'll shoot."

Morgan shed his disguise before police arrived, according to the warrant, and talked briefly to Middletown police Officer William Porter. When questioned, Morgan gave his name and told the officer he was from Boulder, Colo. Police took his information and let him go.

Inside the store, Justin-Jinich lay seriously wounded behind the cafe sales counter, "moaning and shaking." She was taken to Middlesex Hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.

Police found a wig, eyeglasses and a black T-shirt with a handgun wrapped inside it in the building. Outside, Morgan's car was still in the parking lot, the affidavit states. Inside the car, police found a handgun case and ammunition.

Early Wednesday morning, Massachusetts police went to the Morgan's family's home in Marblehead, Mass., where his father identified his son as a man carrying a firearm in a surveillance photo taken at the store at the time of the shooting.

James Morgan told police his son was a loner, quiet and had few friends.

"James said that his son kept a journal and he has known him to make anti-Jewish comments," the affidavit states.

Morgan graduated in 1998 from St. John's Preparatory School, an all-boys Catholic school in Danvers, Mass.

Outside the courtroom Friday, James Morgan said he talked briefly to Stephen - who has six siblings - after his arrest. When asked how he was doing, James Morgan simply shook his head and declined to comment further.

Brown said that Morgan's parents feel the accusation of murder is inconsistent with the person they know and that they feel "very, very bad" for Justin-Jinich's family. He said his client is also struggling.

"Not that anybody would have any sympathy for him," Brown said.

A few Wesleyan students attended Friday's court hearing.

Justin Bores, a junior from Bethesda, Md., said Justin-Jinich had mentioned Morgan previously, but only in passing. "She was a wonderful person," he said.

His friend, Seth Halpern, a senior from New Haven, said, "I was very close to her, and I felt the need to be here."


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    greedy abkhazi jews are a satanist regime. greedy bankers. Jews are on a holy exile, Israel does not have a god given right to exist.

    Israel's settlement program is still expanding on Palestinian lands.

    These United States of America do not benefit from our relationship with Israel, it's well known that quite the opposite is true.

    Anti Zionism is not antisemitism. It's a political belief vs. a religion. you idiot. clearly you have to much of a goyisha kup to be jewish yourself.

  2. Another "brave" anonymous opining or is it whining? Such clever statements that reflect your level of insight. Your retort is only matched by your lack of communication skills although I understand who you are-sectarian! doc
