Monday, July 27, 2009

The Silence of the Jewish Lambs
David Podvin

The presidents of Jewish organizations in the United States were craven accomplices to the Holocaust. They refused to support imperiled Jews abroad because doing so would have created controversy at home. As six million of their brethren were being slaughtered, American Jews recoiled into the fetal position. Six decades later, the current American Jewish hierarchy has just visited the White House to demonstrate that while the names may have changed, the cowardice remains. Jewish leaders in America know that supporting Israel requires opposing Barack Obama, which as Hillary Clinton and John McCain learned means being marginalized as racists. It is a price these invertebrates are unwilling to pay. The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee and Hadassah were therefore silently complicit when Obama permitted Turkey to supply the Hezbollah-dominated Lebanese military with weapons that will kill Israeli Jews.

There was additional silence from the National Council Of Jewish Women and the Union For Reform Judaism and the National Jewish Democratic Council when Obama granted to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip $900 million that will finance the murders of countless other Israeli Jews.

There has also been stony silence from the Orthodox Union and the United Jewish Communities and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs following Obama's decisions to deprive Israel of the fighter jets and attack helicopters necessary to fend off the Nazi-esque terrorist groups that he is subsidizing.

The silence of the American Jewish lambs has been deafening as Obama insists that Israel must not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons designed to eradicate Zionism.

Obama has treated Israel the way any rational person would expect Israel to be treated by a guy who spent twenty years attending an anti-Semitic church. Meanwhile, the American Jewish community has been afflicted with a severe case of moral laryngitis. Even the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has lost its voice. The group, which Internet liberals constantly identify as being the driving force behind a diabolical Hebrew conspiracy, steadfastly refuses to challenge Obama's irrational hostility towards the Jewish state.

For months, there have been leaks to the media claiming that the leaders of America's major Jewish organizations are “privately distressed” about Obama's relentless anti-Israel jihad. These are the self-serving whispers of Machiavellian poltroons. When Jewish leaders were presented the golden opportunity to challenge Obama on July 13, they responded by delivering the most submissive White House performance since the days of Monica Lewinsky.

Fairness dictates noting that two of the fifteen leaders in attendance did take an unyielding stance. Debra DeLee of Americans For Peace Now and Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street acted as powerful advocates for the Palestinian murderers they so love. In the ongoing conflict featuring Israel and Hamas, these progressive Jewish leaders have declared “neutrality”. Yet theirs is the liberal form of neutrality, which consists of demanding that Israel capitulate to genocidal anti-Semites.

Following the meeting, Ben-Ami gloated that the Zionist Entity would soon learn the futility of requesting American Jewish support against Obama's predation. It seems unlikely that Israel would ever count on American Jews for anything. Israelis know that when the time arrived to make the pressure-packed decision between saving European Jewry from annihilation or worshiping Franklin Roosevelt, American Jews choked.

Now, they are choking again.

The communists had useful idiots, people who lacked the common sense to perceive they were supporting a cause that despised them. The Jewish community has provided Obama with useful eunuchs who lack the testicular fortitude to oppose a president practicing the "even-handed" approach between the Jews and the Jew killers.

The president whom Jewish leaders abjectly adore refuses to meet an Israeli foreign minister who doesn't like Arabs, but Obama warmly embraces a Holocaust-denying Palestinian president who financed the massacre of Jewish athletes. Obama's wrath is directed not against Islamic terrorists but Jewish carpenters. He is a grotesque bigot who should be publicly confronted and thoroughly humiliated.

Instead, American Jews compete to see who can be his most prostrate sycophant.

As a result, Israeli Jews find themselves going back to the future...specifically 1939. Reviled by the world, not for what they do but for who they are. Threatened with annihilation by implacable anti-Semites. Abandoned by an American president disdainful of their plight.

And cursed with fellow religionists who embrace the adage that a bowed head is never severed. Had John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer-Prize-winning book been about the American Jewish community, it most definitely would not have been titled “Profiles In Courage.”

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