Tuesday, July 28, 2009

UN Security Council Resolution 1397

No Surprise Palestinian Arabs Believe that Politically Motivated Violence is Legitimate and Effective

July 28, 2009 | Eli E. Hertz

UN Security Council Resolution 1397 was adopted on 12 March 2002, after 18 months of failed American shuttle diplomacy designed to get Palestinian Arabs to honor their repeated promises to cease the violence. The United States, which authored the resolution, sought to mobilize the Security Council to achieve the same goal of cessation of violence by providing Palestinian Arabs with a positive incentive: Public endorsement of a future Palestinian state. Resolution 1397 declared that the goal of the peace process was a Palestinian state "side-by-side" with Israel, "within secure and recognized borders."Penned with the utmost diplomacy, the resolution avoided finger pointing, speaking solely in general terms of "tragic and violent events" and demanding " immediate cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction." [Italics by author]

The resolution has been criticized for what appears to be moral equivalency in its efforts to be balanced, resulting in vague wording ("all concerned to ensure the safety of civilians"); for its fawning lip service to an unconstructive Saudi Arabia initiative, and for rewarding Palestinian Arabs for their violence by making a Palestinian state the subject of the Security Council. Yet, Arabs attempted to reap further rewards by reading into 1397 meanings that are not there.

"Two States, Israel and Palestine" was a vision, not a directive, as some Arabs would have us believe. It certainly did not recognize rights to a Palestinian state under all conditions, despite its veiled wording. Moreover, the vision was linked to living "side-by-side within secure and recognized borders." While the resolution applauds the Saudi's peace plan as a "contribution," the Security Council in no way adopts nor endorses this plan, as some Arabs claim.

While 1397 welcomed "diplomatic efforts of special envoys [Today, George Mitchell]" to "bring about a comprehensive just and lasting peace in the Middle East," these measures do not substitute or replace the principle of direct negotiation enshrined in Resolution 242 and 338. Such diplomatic efforts are viewed merely as a constructive step toward restarting the peace process. This did not happen. Resolution 1397 was basically a free pass for Palestinian Arabs that required no concessions on their side - not then and not now.

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