Jihad Watch
Note the egregious, completely gratuitous attack on Rifqa Bary and defense of Islam at the end of this story. The mainstream media continues to feel itself compelled to run interference for Muslims as a group whenever a Muslim behaves badly -- a courtesy they never accord to other groups. An update on this story. "Muslim Father Arrested for Running Over 'Westernized' Daughter: Cops Capture Iraqi Immigrant Accused of Attempted Honor Killing," by Sarah Netter for ABC News, October 30 (thanks to Paul):
A 10-day manhunt ended when police arrested an Iraqi immigrant accused of running over his 20-year-old daughter to punish her for becoming "too Westernized" and rebuffing the conservative ways he valued.
Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, fled from Peoria, Ariz on Oct. 20. He was arrested by U.S. Marshalls in Atalanta when he arrived at the airport there, according to the Associated Press.
His daugher Noor Faleh Almaleki, 20, remains hospitalized in critical condition after her father hit the young woman and her boyfriend's mother with his Jeep Cherokee on Oct. 20 in the parking lot of theDepartment of Economic Development in Peoria.
Noor Faleh Almaleki is in "life-threatening condition," Peoria Police spokesman Mike Tellef told ABCNews.com last week soon after the incident.
Her boyfriend's mother, 43-year-old Amal Edan Khalaf, is also still hospitalized, but with non-life threatening injuries. "It occurred because her not following traditional family values. We've been told that by everybody," Tellef said. "He felt she was becoming too westernized and he didn't like that."...
"Traditional family values." As if Noor Almaleki were a wayward Methodist. And of course, Christian fathers run down their daughters regularly for not following "traditional family values," don't they? What's that? They don't? What are you, some kind of Islamophobe?
Noor Almaleki had backed out of an arranged marriage about a year ago, police learned, and had been living with Khalaf and her son in a nearby town.
Tellef said the young woman dressed in American clothing and was wearing typical Western attire when she was struck....
Honor Killings Unfairly Cast Negative Light on Islam
The notion of an honor killing -- Muslim men murdering female relatives for dishonoring the family by violating Islamic tenets -- made the news over the summer when 17-year-old Rifqa Bary ran away from her parents in Ohio and turned up in the Florida home of Christian pastors Blake and Beverly Lorenz. Rafqa Barry claimed that her Muslim father had threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity.
Rifqa made tearful television appearance, crying on the Lorenzes shoulders, describing how she had to sneak around to attend church.
"They have to kill me because I'm a Christian. It's an honor [killing]. If they love me more than God, then they have to kill me," she told ABC's Orlando affiliate WFTV last month.
Blake Lorenz pointed to other honor killings, including the January 2008 murders of two Texas sisters who were believed to have been murdered by their Muslim father in a religion-fueld rage.
But Rifqa's father, Mohamed Bary, denied the accusation and said that while he preferred his daughter be a Muslim, she was free to practice whatever religion she chose.
"I don't believe my daughter would say this," Bary told "Good Morning America." "She's completely being coached -- I mean trained, influenced by these people. It's so sad."
A Florida judge this month said he planned to send Rifqa back to Ohio after determining there was no evidence that her life was in danger.
Why is this in this article? And what is the evidence that anyone who investigated the threat to Rifqa even knew what to look for in terms of evidence that her life was in danger? As Pamela Geller shows here, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was outstandingly clueless when interviewing Rifqa.
When 5 to 11 women are killed each day by their spouses as result of affairs Is that not an act of HONOUR KILLINGS!!!!!!
Akhter-stop shouting, I am not deaf. Yes, murders are reported every day in the media regardless of religious practice. No, these are not the same as "honor killings" and you know it. Interestingly you chose not to deny they exist,rather you are upset we are reporting about them-why? Strictly rhetorical question, we all understand why.
ReplyDeletes you are proud of boasting a phd in front of your name,may be you can explain the difference,when a spouse gets to know that the other is having an affair ,why not then just divorce or break up the partnership other than killing or murdering them,is it that they feel their honour has been tainted and to justify they commit murder, now we all condemn this act whether they are Muslims or Others,but for you and thousands other like you to have headlines , Muslim father this ,Muslim brother this ,is wrong,bias ,and creating Islamophobia when it has NOTHING to do with Islam.Maybe you would go and change the headlines from A Muslim father to ,A father--.
ReplyDeleteMaking a post personal does not negate your inattention to the facts.
With all due respect I posted a piece written by another and you make an illogical leap to claiming "Islamophobia"-you refuse to acknowledge the notion of honor killings as reported in multiple Arab news media over these past years ,reported by the way by individuals practicing Islam. You refuse to acknowledge a despicable act and your response is to use your opportunity to call folks names-shameful behavior.If any of us non-believers dare question or criticize Islam you do one of several behaviors: cry foul and tell us we are Islamophobic; name call;change the discussion 180 degrees to allow you space to play the ongoing victim. G-d help that you be willing to look inward and clean up the mess! I know, I am the devil, no what's the other term you have for me-yes, that one!