The new Raz Radar System will be able to detect the firing of mortar shells at Israeli territory with more accuracy and with higher ranges than its predecessor.
Jonathan Urich
The Artillery Corps will soon have an improvement in their ability to warn against high-trajectory weapons. This is due to the new Raz Radar System, which The radar will be able to detect the firing of mortar shells at Israeli territory. In light of this new innovative development, the IDF will be able to provide a warning for all high-trajectory rockets or missiles used to attack Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip.
“The new system compared to the previous one can detect missiles from much larger ranges,” explained Maj. Goldring, “The radar can cope with several threats simultaneously including several missiles at the same time.” The system can also track in parallel with other systems, such as drones and air control units.
The radar can also communicate with forces on the ground in real time. It has a control system which allows the forces to stay updated. The information flows to relevant forces including the ground, sea and air corps.
An early model of the Raz Radar System was tested during the last few days of Operation Cast Lead and proved to be highly successful. Chief Artillery Officer, Brig. Gen. David Savisa, has confidence in the new Raz system and said, "The Raz Radar System pinpoints anything that flies aloft in great depth." According to Brig. Gen. Savisa, during the radar experimentation period, it successfully pinpointed everything that was fired towards Israeli territory.
Today, the Nurit Radar System is used by the Artillery Corps and it enables them to locate missiles including Grad, Qassam and Katyusha missiles that have been fired at Israel. Mortar shells are currently the most terrifying factor for the residents living in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip – more than any other of the high-trajectory weapons that are fired at Israel – to which the Raz Radar System provides hermetic pinpointing.
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