Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The War For Truth

Nurit Greenger

The Arabs have been at war with Jews and Israel for centuries. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Arabs have been at war, some call a "conflict," with the Jewish State. They have had and still have one goal in mind, to undo the 'Zionist' entity. In the years passed, Israel tried, to the extreme end, to achieve peace with the hooligans it borders with. However, the Jewish State's efforts to reach peaceful existence have not yet pan out. The world's approach to this war-conflict is as follows: any Israeli measures and actions, however peaceable, well meant and ambassadorial correct, they are objectionable, meriting censure or even sanction while any measures and [non] actions the Arabstinians aka "Palestinians" take, however brutal and sordid, is worthy of understanding, sympathy and even gathers much support.

More alarming than the baseless comprises Israel has made is the fact that "progressive and enlightened" societies, prestigious academic institutes and most of the media support the double standards and lack of moral compass directed at Israel.

One can only shake one's head in disbelief, dismay, frustrations and great despair when one watches Foreign Affairs unfold in front of one's eyes. It appears to be not too far from the TV series '24' that, after eight seasons, have just come to an end.

The ongoing war the Arabs declared on the Jewish State of Israel, the day it declared its independence, certainly underscores the mendacious manner in which the entire international community and its leaders, as well as the United Nations (UN) has dealt with it. It is nothing but endless travesty and malicious parade.

The world suffers from a malicious Jewish-Israeli Bacterial Stupidity Syndrome (JIBSS) based on conspiracy theories.

The war the Arabs have declared on Israel is far from over. But the war for truth that has been coerced into silence and numbness for way too long, by the Arabs, their cohorts, the anti-Semites and the anti-Israel unfathomable financial and political muscle, is now taking new dimensions.

Stay strong, resolve and stick to the truth...stay tune!

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