Result of PA education:
University student sees "Palestine" as 27,000 sq. km.
- erasing all of Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
On PA TV's weekly game show between competing Palestinian universities, called The Stars, a student demonstrated the success of Palestinian Authority education of children to envision a world in which Israel does not exist. n response to a question about the size of Jordan, a student from Bethlehem University explained that he used the size of "Palestine" to determine his answer:
"It [Jordan] is larger than Palestine. Palestine is 27,000 sq. km. and it [Jordan] is approximately 3 times larger than Palestine - i.e., 90,000 sq. km."
The area of the West Bank and Gaza Strip combined is less than 7,000 sq. km. The figure 27,000 sq. km. is the area of all of Israel in addition to the West Bank and Gaza.
The fact that Palestinian students routinely depict a world in which Israel does not exist and its land as part of "Palestine", shows the success of PA education. PA schoolbooks and PA educational TV consistently present a state of "Palestine" that encompasses all of Israel and has an area of 27,000 sq. km.
Palestinian educational TV teaching that all of Israel is "Palestine":
PA TV quiz show for children:
Host: "What is the size of the State of Palestine?"
Child: "27,000 sq. km. "
Host: Bravo!
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2008]
PA TV quiz show for children:
Host: "Where is Palestine's most important port, in Haifa, Jaffa or Acre?" (Note: All three cities are Israeli cities.)
Child: "Jaffa."
Host: "Is it correct?" [Checks computer.]
Host: "Bravo!"
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 26, 2009]
PA TV host referring to Israeli cities as located in "our state, Palestine":
Host: "Do you enjoy going on trips? So show me where you've been on the map of Palestine."
Girl: "We went to the Sea of Galilee and to the Dead Sea."
Boy: "Jaffa, Haifa [Israeli cities]."
Girl: "And Jericho."
Boy: "And Jenin and Nablus."
Host: "So you've visited many different places in Palestine, and that's very good. It's very good that we're always visiting new places in our state, Palestine."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 16, 2010]
A Palestinian schoolbook published by the PA Ministry of Education and currently in use teaches:
"Classification of states according to [size of] territory...: Small states: Range is between 10,000 to 100,000 square kilometers, for example: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Holland."
[Physical Geography and Human Geography, grade 12, p. 107,
published by the PA Ministry of Education]
If Israel exists, "Palestine" can never be more than 10,000 square kilometers. The combined area of the West Bank (5,860 sq. km.) and the Gaza Strip (360 sq. km.) is 6,220 sq. km. All of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip together equal 26,990 sq. km.
PA education that "Palestine" alone is 27.000 sq. km. teaches children to envision a world without Israel.
Click here to view more examples of PA erasing Israel with "Palestine"
Click here to view more examples of PA denying of Israel's right to exist
Click here to view PMW's report on PA schoolbooks
The following is the transcript of the question and answer in the PA TV competition between universities:
The Stars - competition between Palestinian universities:
Competition host: "[A question on] general knowledge. The question reads: The size of Jordan is:
1. 30,000 sq. km.
2. 60,000 sq. km.
3. 90,000 sq. km."
Representative of Bethlehem University: "90,000 sq. km."
Host: "90,000 sq. km. What's worrying your [team's] advisor?
Bethlehem University student: "We disagree about the figure. [Explains his calculation:] It [Jordan] is larger than Palestine. Palestine is 27,000 sq. km. (includes the area of all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza), and it [Jordan] is approximately 3 times larger than Palestine - i.e., 90,000 sq. km."
Host: "That's a logical analysis. Let's see if the answer is also logical. The answer is in fact correct, and it is 90,000 sq. km."
[PA TV (Fatah), June 11, 2010]
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