Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Broken Promises Promote Wrongs Against Israel.

by Anne Bayefsky

In Geneva during the current session of the UN Human Rights Council,
the Obama administration became a willing participant in the UN's
imposition of an apartheid-style ban on representatives of the state
of Israel. Despite promises made by the administration that by joining
the Council the United States would not become part of the problem,
U.S. Ambassador to the Council Eileen Donahoe chose to attend and
fully participate in a meeting that deliberately excluded anyone
representing the Jewish state. Israel is the only UN member state not
permitted to be a full member of any of the UN's five regional groups.
Throughout the Human Rights Council sessions, these groups hold key
planning meetings in which countries negotiate and share important
information behind closed doors. Even the Palestinian Authority,
though not a state, is permitted into the Asian regional group.

While Israelis are left standing in the hall during the Council's
regional group meetings, this week for the first time Libya took its
seat as a full-fledged Council member.
Other full voting members of
the UN's lead human rights body includes such 'model citizens' as
Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba, Russia and Kyrgyzstan. (During the last 100
years 'friends' of Jews have b roken many promises. Israel can't trust
assurances made by the US or International hypocrisy in any deal with
the Islamic enemies of the Jewish state!)

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