Monday, September 27, 2010

See, even our enemy abuses terms-they are Israeli citizens you idiot!

Mashaal: We'll continue 'to kill illegal settlers'

Hamas leader says Palestinians will return to "resistance" if int'l community doesn't force Israel back to 1967 borders.

Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Mashaal said that if the international community does not force Israel to to retreat to the 1967 borders, the Palestinian people's only recourse will be "resistance." Mashaal's comments came in an interview aired on CNN on Monday.

When asked about last months terror attack near Kiryat Arba, in which four Israelis were killed by Hamas gunmen, Mashaal said that Hamas will continue to "kill illegal settlers on our land." He stated that Israeli settlers were the source of the problem and he failed to understand why the international community gets upset when "we defend our people by confronting Israeli killings." Mashaal compared the Palestinian people's struggles to the American fight against British occupation and the French standing up against Hitler's aggression.

The Hamas leader stated that "five years from now there will be a new conviction around the world" about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He said that the US and the West will realize that "Israel is only a moral burden on their shoulders."

Mashaal's comments came as Israel was criticized internationally on Monday for failing to extend the 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction.

The Palestinians have contended that they would exit peace talks launched earlier this month if Israel failed to extend the moratorium.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said that he would make a decision on whether or not to leave the talks only after meeting with the Arab League next week.

Comment: Yes, words matter. Divide and conquer has been used for decades by our enemies and we brought this war tool to them, we gave it to them all wrapped up nice and pretty. You see, the people living in Judea and Samaria are legally Israeli citizens-they live on disputed lands. If these lands are not disputed why have we spent the last 33yearsarguing, fighting, discussing what to do with the properties? Eh?

So let's be honest from thispoint forward, especially you media folks and academic types. The land is not "Palestinian" no matter they have repeated this lie for 33 years. The land has been in dispute since the 1967 war-this is fact and truth. It is past time that our MK's start to refer to their fellow citizens properly-call them Israeli citizens. Do this for one year, I guarantee you'll see magic here. Don't believe me, fine-then you have nothing to loose, start telling the truth!! It does take some huge ..... courage-got any left?

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