Daily Mail Reporter
22nd December 2010
Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil.
Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.
They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead. Outrage: The poster that has appeared in the Tower Hamlets area hitting out at the festive period
Labour MP and anti racist campaigner Jim Fitzpatrick branded the posters 'extremely offensive' and demanded they were immediately ripped down.
The placards, which have already appeared in parts of London, feature an apparently festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree.
But under a banner announcing 'the evils of Christmas' it features a message mocking the song the 12 Days of Christmas.
It reads: 'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
'On the second day debt, on the third rape, the fourth teenage pregnancies and then there was abortion.'
According to the posters, Christmas is also to responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs.
Another offence of Christmas, it proclaims, is 'claiming God has a son'.
Condemnation: Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick
Condemnation: Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick
The bottom of the poster declares: 'In Islam we are protected from all of these evils. We have marriage, family, honour, dignity, security, rights for man, woman and child.'
The campaign's organiser is 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, who once called for Sharia Law in Britain at a press conference held by hate preacher leader Anjem Choudary, the leader of militant group Islam4UK.
Former Home Secretary Alan Johnson banned Islam4UK group earlier this year, making it a criminal offence to be a member, after it threatened to protest at Wootton Bassett, the town where Britain honours its war dead.
Mr Rumaysah told the Mail that he was unconcerned about offending Christians.
He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it.
'But our main attack is on the fruits of Christmas, things like alcohol abuse and promiscuity that increase during Christmas and all the other evils these lead to such as abortion, domestic violence and crime.
'We hope that out campaign will make people realise that Islam is the only way to avoid this and convert.'
Mr Rumaysah, who said his campaign was not linked to any group, boasted that the posters would be put up in cities around the country, including London, Birmingham and Cardiff.
The campaign was highlighted by volunteers from a charity which distributes food and presents to pensioners and the lonely at Christmas.
Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said: 'The more posters I saw, the more angry I got.
'Someone is stirring hatred which leaves the road open to revenge attacks or petrol bombs through letter-boxes.
'I told the Mayor we are all scared.
'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts.
'The posters appear to be professionally printed'.
Poplar and Limehouse MP Mr Fitzpatrick said: 'These posters are extremely offensive and have upset a lot of people - that's why we jumped on it and asked the council to remove them.
'Sister Christine is rooted in the community and doesn't take offence lightly.
'But these hate posters really upset her. Christmas is close to her belief.'
A Met Police spokesman said they had received complaints and were investigating.
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman said the posters had 'upset and antagonised many residents'.
He added: 'The messages on these posters are offensive and do not reflect the views of the Council or the vast majority of residents.'
Guest Comment: The Religion of murderers, beheaders, rapists, pedophiles, pillagers, honor killers, slave owners, etc. has embarked on a "Christmas is Evil" campaign in the UK replete with posters claiming that Christmas is responsible for moral depravity. And, you thought that "Alice in Wonderland was a fairy tale! We're living it!
Meanwhile, the EU seems to have suspended its hate crimes legislation for the holiday. While righteously fining and condemning Danish MP Jesper Langballe for defaming Islam by writing an article about the problems of honor killing and rape in the Muslim community, charging Austrian correspondent Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff with hate speech for discussing the tenets of Shariah Law and charging Dutch MP Geert Wilders for 'intentionally offending Muslims' by citing jihadist passages in the Koran, the silence is deafening on this latest offense toward the holiest day of the year for Christians.
Last year, Christian hotel owners in the UK were charged with a criminal offense following a discussion about religion with Muslim guests at their hotel. They were arrested following a complaint to police by a Muslim women and charged with using "threatening, abusive or insulting words that were religiously aggravated."
Just as a crucifix can be dipped in urine and called art, ALL religions may be pissed on by Islam, a theo-political-legal totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion.
Janet Levy, Los Angeles
1 comment:
Here are some Bible verses that Pres. Obama avoids:
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under "a servant who becomes king."
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: "let thy words be few...a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he's destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
For more on the Obamas and their fellow subversives, Google "Michelle Obama's Allah-day," "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "David Letterman's Hate, Etc." and also "Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman."
PS - Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note "taken away"), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon "take away" or at least overthrow all US leaders, including Obama, who continue to sear their conscience and arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
[read above on web - Alison]
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