Sunday, December 26, 2010

George Soros - "An American Hater"


Exposing the real power behind the radical transformation of America

To conservatives, he's the evil emperor in "Star Wars" – the Empire's shadowy and malevolent puppet-master, the real power behind the widespread subversion and destruction of freedom, prosperity and hope.
But to hundreds of organizations on the political and moral left, he is literally their lifeblood, a revered leader, a godfather – almost a god, who provides good things for his children. Now, in a stunning exposé, the December issue of Whistleblower shines a thousand-watt spotlight on the "dark lord" of the left – billionaire investor George Soros. "GEORGE SOROS AND HIS EVIL EMPIRE" illuminates the heart and soul of this mysterious leftwing transformer of societies. It reveals how he creates and financially sustains scores of influential and shockingly anti-American organizations – all dedicated to converting America into a European-style, government-controlled, socialist state.

"Soros, like Obama, is wired very differently than most of us," says WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "He rejects and reviles most things decent Americans regard as good and sacred, and he tends to favor everything rotten: He wants to legalize drugs. He supports euthanasia. He's for socialism and opposes free-market capitalism. He’s for devaluing America's currency, telling the Financial Times last year 'an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable.' He supports the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of global governance. He detests conservative talk radio, Fox News and WorldNetDaily, and funds organizations that constantly attack the only free press America currently has."

In short, says Kupelian, "if it's immoral, subversive or harmful to America, Soros favors it, organizes it and funds it. If it's noble and freedom-producing, like free markets and small government, he despises it and creates organizations to undermine and ultimately destroy it. This issue of Whistleblower shines intense daylight on all of this."

Highlights of "GEORGE SOROS AND HIS EVIL EMPIRE" include:

"George Soros bets against America" by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., on how Soros attacks capitalism and makes billions on a global recession

"The emperor" by David Kupelian, describing the kind of person that can profit personally at the expense of entire nations

"The most dangerous man in the world?" by Joseph Farah, who ranks Soros above Obama and other likely "candidates"

"Soros: This is 'when my character was made'" by Art Moore, who takes readers back to the Jewish billionaire investor's chilling Nazi-occupation drama during his teen years

"MAN OF 1,000 FACES: Organizations directly funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute" – a comprehensive list and description of over 150 groups, each more subversive than the last, all financed by Soros

"How the leftwing money machine works" by Art Moore, on how the secretive Tides network "launders" donations to radical causes

"Rush Limbaugh: Soros is promoting widespread voter fraud"

"Progressives won midterms, claims Soros-funded group," which now calls on Obama to govern via executive order and ignore Congress to push his radical agenda, by Aaron Klein

"Soros' scheme for 'elite' judiciary" by Bob Unruh, on Soros' "highly coordinated, well-funded" campaign to "exclude conservative, rule-of-law judges"

"Documentary embraces leftwing terrorists" by Matthew Vadum, revealing Soros' heavy involvement in underwriting and screening subversive, anti-American films

"Group wants feds to probe talk radio" by Aaron Klein, on rising leftwing complaints cable-news networks are engaged in "hate speech"

"All the news that fits Soros's agenda" by Ed Lasky, on how three leftist billionaires conspire to control the future of journalism

"Soros, healthcare rationing and the 'Death Project'" by Jerome R. Corsi, on why Soros is such a big supporter of medical rationing

"The problem of the radical non-Jewish Jew" by Dennis Prager, on why George Soros works so hard to undermine his own people

"Soros," says WND founder and Editor Joseph Farah, "is an America hater. There's no other way to put it. He recently said only America stands in the way of globalist progress and he's going to do everything in his power to bring America to its knees." Farah adds: "Most of all, I am outraged by Soros' attempt to buy elections."

"Make no mistake," concludes Kupelian. "George Soros' goal is nothing less than to overthrow the United States of America and its Constitution. Fortunately, armed with the kind of information and insight in this issue of Whistleblower, there's real hope we can engage and defeat the forces of the atheistic left which, for some strange and ungodly reason, always seem to be offended by everything good."

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