Monday, August 01, 2011

The Road To Hell Is Built Upon The Best Of Intentions

Howard Galganov

The Road to America’s future is being paved by people with the best of intentions, all of whom will be responsible for the whirlwind that lies ahead in the hell of their own making.


I know that GOOD will persevere. But I also know that we will never win forever, because ours is a battle that is as old as the ages, where GOOD will be locked in combat against evil in perpetuity.

I also know that throughout history, evil has been victorious until it falls upon its own bloodied weight, to be beaten by GOOD, only until evil resuscitates itself in any of its many various guises.

The most obvious modern form of evil is best illustrated through the Nazis, whose very being was created upon a foundation of government inspired hatred for all things uncommon to the majority.

The least obvious evil was and still is Communism, which was founded upon the premise that all people should be equal, with the only path to equal utopia being through the gates of government. In reality, National Socialism (Nazis) and Communism were, are, and will always be different sides of the same coin, with the only real difference being upon which path each travels to get to their same destination, where both philosophies end in government control.

We think of Nazism as being the GREAT evil of our time. But that’s simply not true. It is just one of TWO of the GREATEST evils of our time, since Communism has been responsible for the mutilation, murder, terror and defilement of humanity in even greater numbers than National Socialism, and over a far longer span of time.

Also - Nazism has more or less been contained - But not Communism.

As long as governments get to control the people who they are trusted to govern, and decide upon winners and losers, and set the rules upon how people should live their public and private lives, Communism will prevail; and over time, it will end no better for the people, than the people had fared under Stalin, Mao, and Castro.

Just ask the Eastern Europeans, the Chinese, the Cambodians, the Vietnamese, the Cubans, and others who’ve been crushed under the weight of Government.


The American LEFT and CENTER have forgotten what it was that made America GREAT and EXCEPTIONAL, and instead of continuing along that path of GREATNESS, America is following a path of mediocrity and self-destruction, hurtling down the road to Socialism, where all people, in spite of what the LEFT wants everyone to believe, are indeed NOT equal.

“ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU . . . “ Do you remember those words from the lips of America’s GREATEST Icon from the LEFT (JFK), when American Exceptionalism and Pride in America still meant something to the LEFT and CENTER?

Instead of electing politicians who focus on INDIVIDUALISM that inspires excellence through competition, creating jobs and opportunities, America has instead opted for Politicians who are determined to govern for the Collective while taking away from, and punishing Individualism.

Inadvertently through razzle-dazzle and ignorance, the American people have chosen a path towards Government rule, where the government picks winners and losers - Where the only people who will be secure, will be those who are either a part of the government . . . or are favored by the government.


This DEBT-CEILING battle that the world is watching being waged between THREE sides of America is not about money, but about America’s and the World’s future.

The LEFT wants the people to be indebted to the government.

The RIGHT wants the government to be indebted to the people.

AND THE MIDDLE, which cannot fathom the thought, or even the possibility that America’s LEFT could be the greatest enemy America has ever faced, since the intentions of the LEFT seem to be nothing more than a benign attempt to make America great for all people, simply by leveling the playing field through “reasonable” redistribution of wealth and “common-sense” regulations, have no idea where to stand on this monumental world-changing debate.

But, those things that made America the GREATEST country ever, had NOTHING whatsoever to do with redistribution of wealth, or a plethora of regulations - JUST THE OPPOSITE.

I cannot now, nor could I ever fathom the mindset of the LEFT, as to why certain people believe that it is their duty to tell others how they should live their public and private lives.

Or why they believe that it is their RIGHT to diminish the RIGHTS of others. Or why the LEFT believes that all the answers can be found in government.


If the legal definition of criminal insanity is that if one has no real idea of what he or she is doing in the commission of a crime, such as with the Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner - He was and is legally insane.

But, the man who just recently killed all those people in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, was not insane, because he knew exactly what he was doing and why he did it, simply because he was fed-up watching his country move intrinsically in a direction away from what it used to be, making him act-out.


On April 19, 1775 a handful of American Patriots comprised of farmers, businessmen and professionals fired the shot that was heard around the world, when this band of Patriots took out 273 Redcoats in the opening battle of the American Revolution.

Why did the Patriots go to war?

Was it because of the British tax on tea? Or was it that they were simply fed-up with living under the thumb of government?

Jared Loughner is and was insane; therefore, what he did carries no message or warning for anyone. On the other hand, Anders Behring Breivik is not insane, and his message is indeed a warning.


For those of you who might not know – Not all Colonialists were opposed to the British. In fact, many were not, while most couldn’t care less.

And not everyone thought of the Patriots as heroes. Many thought of them as traitors. And by the time George Washington crossed the Delaware, he himself could barely raise an army. But nonetheless . . . the Patriots prevailed.


"Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts?

And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honorably conducted?

I say nothing of its motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

The people cannot be all, and always, well informed.

The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.

If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.

And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?

Let them take arms.

The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."


Had Thomas Jefferson wrote this letter and posted it on the Internet today, he too would be attacked by the LEFT and shunned by the CENTER as a seditionist and madman out of step with society.

Yet, America is galloping down the wrong path towards an end that Thomas Jefferson saw 224 years ago, when just 235 years ago, men and women of his caliber were called Militiamen, Minutemen and PATRIOTS.


Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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