Friday, September 23, 2011

Another br(t)oken promise by Abbas-peaceful demonstrations don't use rocks

IDF, Palestinians clash in West Bank

Tensions rising: Security forces clash with Palestinian protestors, stone-throwers across Judea and Samaria; soldier, two Arabs hurt in West Bank village, several Palestinians detained

Ynet reporters
Israel News

Clashes broke out at the Qalandia Checkpoint on Friday afternoon as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas make final preparations for their battle of words at the UN General Assembly in New York. Masked men threw rocks at security forces at the Qalandia Checkpoint

Elsewhere,IDF soldier sustained light wounds after being stoned in a village south of Nablus. A clash ensued at the site between a group of settlers and local Palestinians who hurled stones at each other. Another 300 Palestinians later arrived at the site and hurled stones at troops called to the area, who responded with crowd dispersal means. .

Meanwhile in east Jerusalem, Border Guard officers arrested three teens in Beit Hanina after they set tires on fire and threw rocks at security officers. Two more teens were arrested when they attempted to forcefully enter the Temple Mount.

More on the PA's statehood bid:

Magazine: Avoiding West Bank war
Gantz says IDF ready for Palestinian riots

Abbas: Israelis want peace, leaders don’t

The IDF reported Friday that there were four major points of clashes: Around 100 people are rioting near Qalandia, 50 Palestinians, Israeli and foreign citizens are protesting near Bilin west of Ramallah, an additional 60 people are protesting in Na'alin and 120 are protesting near Nabi Salah.

Rocks are being thrown at security forces at each of the locations and security forces are using crowd dispersal measures.

The thousands of Friday worshipers who took part in the Temple Mount prayers were dispersed witout further incident. Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch arrived at the Western Wall on Friday to be on hand to monitor the developing situation.

Comment: We all know the truth-the "demonstrations" were never designed for peaceful protest. They were and are designed ot cause injury to the participants on both sides. The PALS need a flashpoint, they will create one, no matter how our brave soldiers or Border Police are, no matter the incredible self control they display, it is inevitable someone is going to be badly hurt-this is after all the PALS desitre. They willingly sacrifice their own-this is a sick culture-call it for what it is.

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