Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Defense Contractors of Islam

Daniel Greenfield

One of the more peculiar twists in the caliphate’s tale is that a sizable amount of the funding for Islamic propaganda aimed at Americans comes from Muslim-owned defense contractors.

Sabtech Industries recently made the news when it lost its security clearance after some suspicious donations to Muslim charities cost its president, Rahim Sabadia, his security clearance. Sabtech’s work on upgrading the Navy’s AEGIS system on warships put it at the nerve center of one of the most important defense technologies in the United States. The real question, though, is not how Rahim Sabadia lost his security clearance, but how he got it in the first place. Sabadia was foreign born and had close ties to Pakistan as a member of (COPA) the Council of Pakistan-American Affairs. After being stopped on his return trip from Turkey, he used his favorite congressman to introduce a bill allowing people with their names on no fly lists to have them removed.

Through the Sabadia Family Foundation, Rahim was a major funder of CAIR to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars and also sits on the board of the One Nation Foundation, which exists to promote the confusingly dual proposition that Muslims are persecuted in America and that they are loyal Americans.

The One Nation Foundation board includes Saudi Arabia’s Hisham Alireza, who is also on the board of trustees of the extremist Zaytuna College, and Hamza Yusuf Hanson, the founding director of Zaytuna College.

Hanson, aka the “Mufti of California,” had called Judaism a “racist religion” and two days before the Muslim attacks of September 11 was quoted as saying, “This country unfortunately has a great, a great tribulation coming to it. And much of it is already here, yet people are too illiterate to read the writing on the wall.”

The One Nation Foundation board includes the wife of Sohaib Abbasi​, another Pakistani Muslim tech millionaire CEO. During Obama’s fundraising tour in California, one of the mansions he stopped by was the Abbasi home, before going on to describe Americans in Pennsylvania as bitter people clinging to their Bibles and guns.

Abbasi’s Informatica has handled defense contracts, though they are not its bread and butter. The Abbasis also funded the “Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies” at Stanford University​. And the Sabadia Family Foundation funds Islamic propaganda films broadcast on public television.

When PBS aired, “Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet,” featuring none other than Al-Qaeda’s man in Yemen, Anwar Al-Awlaki​, and Daisy Khan, wife of the former Ground Zero mosque imam, part of the funding for the propaganda broadcast, which has been turned into a lesson plan for classrooms, came from the Sabadia Family Foundation.

Another funder was Hisham Alireza’s company, Xenel, aka Arabian Bulk Trade Limited. Xenel is run by the Saudi Alireza clan, which has been tied to the Bin Ladens and a bank that was accused of funding Al Qaeda​.

And funding also came from the El-Hibri Foundation. The El-Hibris have played an even more vital role in the defense industry than Sabadia. While Sabadia had access to AEGIS– the El-Hibris have access to the most destructive non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction in the country.

Through a complicated series of buyouts and takeovers, the El-Hibris’ Emergent Bio-Solutions controls the anthrax vaccine and stands as our defense against bio-warfare. Documents from the company, which was then known as BioPort, have found their way into the hands of Pakistani nuclear scientists in Afghanistan. There has been further speculation that anthrax samples may have even found their way into the hands of terrorists.

At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in 2001, Senator Tim Hutchinson said that BioPort was “costing the American taxpayer millions and millions of dollars and jeopardizing the safety of our troops who we’re not able to provide that anthrax vaccination.”

Like the Abbasis, Fuad El-Hibri was an Obama donor and his aunt, Azizah El-Hibri, was appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, despite her own radical views.

But meanwhile, the El-Hibri Foundation was providing grants to Unity Productions Foundation, begun by Safi Qureshey, another Pakistani computer company CEO.

Unity Productions Foundation is behind a long list of Islamic propaganda films, including the aforementioned “Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet,” as well as “Cities of Light: The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain,” which received a splashy premiere at the Virginia Military Institute featuring Muslim Brotherhood speakers after the ROTC foreign language and education program was turned over into the hands of the UAE.

Another UPF film, “Prince Among Slaves,” was previously exposed at FrontPage Magazine as a fraud for attempting to turn a racist Muslim prince into a role model for African-Americans. UPF was also responsible for such shameless propaganda pieces as “Talking Through Walls: How the Struggle to Build a Mosque Unites a Community” and “On a Wing and a Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly.”

UPF’s movies were stocked with radical clerics like Anwar Al-Awlaki, Zaid Shakir and the aforementioned Hamza Yusuf Hanson, many of whom spoke off-screen of making war against America. UPF and the El-Hibri Foundation also turned Dalia Mogahed and John Esposito’s propaganda tract into a documentary, “What a Billion Muslims Really Think.”

If the government was concerned that the head of a company whose work was so dangerous that National Guard sentries were called in to protect Emergent’s facilities, was financing documentaries featuring clerics who openly called for the destruction of America, it wasn’t obvious. Unlike Rahim Sabadia, Fuad El-Hibri and his company have continued flying under the radar.

The defense contractors of Islam have not only wormed their way deep into the national security infrastructure, often under false pretenses, but then, after sucking up taxpayer money through defense contracts, they have turned around and used that money to fund Muslim groups tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and propaganda films featuring some of the same Islamic clerics whose disciples are trying to murder American soldiers on and off the battlefield.

Lenin famously said that the capitalists would sell him the rope with which he would hang them, but we’re not selling the rope anymore. Instead we’re buying it. And the next time you read about two dollar screws at the Pentagon, it just might be our enemies who provided it.

1 comment:

  1. May THE LORD GOD, The Creator of Heaven and Earth continue to Bless His People Israel. THE LORD GOD gave the Promised Land to Israel. Jerusalem , The City of Peace, is the Capital of Israel. The Promised Land must not be divided. Not one inch of The Promised Land must be divided and given away for so called TEMPORARY MAN MADE PEACE. Jerusalem must not be divided for MAN MADE TEMPORARY PEACE. Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem. Pray for Israel. Pray for The Middle East. Pray for Israel and it's Neighbours.
