Saturday, September 24, 2011

Iran Considering Attacking U.S. Facilities in Mideast

Reza Kahlili

Destroying American military positions in the Middle East is the most effective method to get the "Great Satan" to abandon the region, Iran now believes.

"The Islamic Awakening in the region has overthrown many of the heads of states who were puppets of the West," according to a recent analysis by the Mahramaneh online website, which is close to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. "It is simple-minded for us to assume that America and the West in general would sit by and forget about devising new conspiracies for derailing and taking control of the revolutions."

Therefore, the analysis concludes, an America weakened by economic and military crises makes preemptive assaults on U.S. targets all the more inviting. The radicals ruling Iran have long believed that due to internal U.S. problems, America can no longer sustain its activities in the Middle East and is bound to pack up and leave eventually. Now these radicals believe that they could attack American forces in the region, starting a regional war with America, and have a good chance at winning it.

They further believe that by initiating such a war, not only will they further influence the Islamic movement in the region, but they will come out as the leaders of this movement worldwide.

"Evidently what America and the West are currently pursuing," the analysis says, "is, in the first place, the veering of the populist revolutions toward their large Middle East project (Western-style governments), and in case that project fails, they will do everything in their power to start a religious war among the Muslims; a Sunni-Shia war would be their choice."

Deadly conflict continues in Iraq between Sunnis and Shias, and Muslim backlash festers in such places as Egypt, Yemen, and Bahrain. Iran, predominately Shia, is vying for influence in the region against such Sunni powers as Saudi Arabia.

"This does not mean that we should forget the behavior of the Saudi rulers in the slaughter of the innocent people of Bahrain, with the excuse of falling into the trap of preventing religious wars, and sit idly by," the analysis says. "There is indeed a better solution: crush the snake's head (America)."

The American political leadership and its war machinery are controlled by Western investors, the analysis says, and America will get involved in a war only if the end result is financial gain. "Based on the situation at hand, is it wise for us to stand by and let the enemy take its time and make plans for his future since they started the guns of war?"

The analysis says that the United States would not launch a war against the Islamic Republic of Iran, either by itself or with Israel. Instead, it would start a proxy war through Saudi Arabia.

"First, by starting a war via the Saudis, Americans would not have to be liable for any possible defeat," the analysis says:

and furthermore it would make that (Saud) family ever more reliant on the West, and out of gratitude they would hand over control of their oil interests to the West.

Second and most important is that by starting such a war, the Western media machine would publicize it as a religious war, preventing unity of the Muslims against the West and therefore the disintegration of the revolutionaries of the region.

The Iranian website then concludes that if the Islamic Republic, quietly and without any media hype, attacks American installations throughout the region, the United States will have but two choices: either it will be forced to keep quiet and the media will freeze out the information, or it will be forced to go to war with Iran, in which case the war would then be out-and-out known to be a war between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the West and America.

Certainly with such a preemptive attack policy, the West and America will be utterly confused and bewildered, the analysis says, and instead of starting a war they cannot win, they should cease their power-grabbing, pack up their wares, and leave the Middle East, "returning to the hell they crawled out of; that is the way of Islam's victory."

Ayatollah Khamenei, days ago, stated that the current uprisings in the region are but a prelude to greater movement in which Islam will rule the world. Now, with his blessing, the website analysis raises the possibility of conflagration.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy who requires anonymity for safety reasons. He is a senior fellow with EMPact America and the author of A Time to Betray, a book about his double-life as a CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guards, published by Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, April 2010. A Time to Betray was the winner of the 2010 National Best Book Award and the 2011 International Best Book Award.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Until Islamic countries don't come around the table of unity the can't defeat their target individually .

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