An attempt is made to share the truth regarding issues concerning Israel and her right to exist as a Jewish nation. This blog has expanded to present information about radical Islam and its potential impact upon Israel and the West. Yes, I do mix in a bit of opinion from time to time.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
"'Fed up' French Muslims mobilize to unseat Sarkozy"
10% (the magic number)...will it happen here? Is the leftward, free-ride attitude, happening here?
from Jihadwatch
Demography. Enough Muslim voters to topple a president: "'Fed up' French Muslims mobilize to unseat Sarkozy"
With Francois Hollande as president, Muslims will be able to import even more Muslims and have even higher social benefits -- that in turn will attract even more Muslims that can (vote for) vote for even more Socialists.
95 percent of Muslims in France vote for the socialists. The socialists' strategy is clear: burden your own countries with weak immigrants from a less civilized culture in order to secure your own reelection. Invite people to our part of the world who have many children and are only able to manage few kinds of jobs, and who will therefore always vote for the Left. The Danish elections in September 2011 were decided by only 8,483 votes. With at least a hundred thousand Muslim voters in Denmark, of whom 89.1 percent vote for the Left, it is fair to say that Muslim demography put the Danish socialist government in power.
More on the Left's import of Muslim votes: "Muslim demographics: Pull and push factors".
Before reading the bad news from the Washington Times below, take a look at socialist candidate Francois Hollande's music video, which Cheradenine Zakalwe from the excellent blog IslamVersusEurope rightfully presents in this way:
Socialist Candidate: "Vote for me, Niggas in Paris!"
How do you get young non-white people to vote for you when you’re a middle-aged balding white man? François Hollande has the answer.
Take a popular song by two famous US rap stars. Film yourself surrounded by black and Arab voters who say 'big-up'. Change your name to initials only. Get some Final Cut whiz kid to paste it all together with a load of fast-forward and zoom. Set up a YouTube account with the word 'crew' in it.
And upload.
"'Fed up’ French Muslims mobilize to unseat Sarkozy," from the Washington Times, April 19:
"PARIS | France’s Muslim community is mobilizing voters to reject President Nicolas Sarkozy in Sunday’s election to punish the conservative leader for his anti-immigrant and anti-Islam rhetoric.
“[French] Muslims can’t stand it anymore. They are fed up with these debates about national identity, halal meat, the veil or fundamentalism all over the place,” said Francoise Lorcerie, a sociologist with the Institute of Studies on the Arab and Muslim World near Marseille.
“The terms [Islam, immigration and fundamentalism] are being used interchangeably, without care, with people being targeted, denigrated and used for [votes].”
The debates and rhetoric aren’t new and have been at the heart of French political campaigns for the past decade.
Muslims - especially those living in the “banlieues,” France’s poor immigrant suburbs - sometimes have been courted by candidates with promises of jobs and better living conditions, but they mostly have been stigmatized as threats to the French identity, analysts say.
The rhetoric escalated last month after Mohammed Merah, a French-born Muslim who claimed to be inspired by al Qaeda, killed seven people in a shooting spree.
Mr. Sarkozy, of the conservative Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party, called for tightening immigration because there are “too many foreigners” in France.
Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of the far-right National Front party, talked about “green fascism” (a reference to the color of Islam) and wondered “how many Mohammed Merahs are arriving on boats and planes each day, filling France with immigrants.”
The speeches infuriated French Muslims and reignited the debate over origins and identity. As Europe’s largest Islamic community, French Muslims account for as much as 10 percent of the country’s 65 million people. ...
Mr. Mechmache says what residents of the banlieues really need are education and jobs, not a fight over Islam: The youth unemployment rate is above 45 percent in some of the neighborhoods.
In November, AC Le Feu launched an initiative to warn candidates about addressing the situation in these districts. It is working with Muslim community groups to get out the “Muslim vote” in the banlieues, which have had nonparticipation rates as high as 50 percent in some elections. ...
Without mentioning any candidate’s name, the association accused some politicians of dividing the nation and “betraying the republican pact” and warned against “those hoping to win or retain power by stoking fear, xenophobia, the rejection of others.” ...
In April 2007, polls found that French Muslims voted mainly for the Socialist presidential candidate: Segolene Royal won 64 percent of their vote, while Mr. Sarkozy got just 1 percent in the first round and 5 percent in the second. ...
For now, French Muslims, like a slim majority of their compatriots, seem to prefer Socialist Francois Hollande: He is the clear front-runner in the runoff on May 6, according to polls.
“Hollande said he will lower rents and bills. That’s what everybody cares about because our salaries aren’t enough to make ends meet,” said Chaker Alain, 28, a Parisian born to French parents of North African descent. “Besides, when you listen to the right-wing speeches, the way they call immigrants and their religion every name, automatically you lean toward the left.
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