National Review Online
The fetid, dark heart of the Arab war on Israel, I have long argued, lies not in disputes over Jerusalem, checkpoints, or "settlements." Rather, it concerns the so-called Palestine
So called because of the nearly 5 million
official refugees served by UNRWA (short for the "United Nations Relief
and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"), only about 1 percent are real refugees who fit the agency's definition
of "people whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June
1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a
result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict." The other 99 percent are
descendants of those refugees, or what I call fake refugees.
Perversely, UNRWA feted its 60th anniversary in 2009, as though this were something to be proud of.
Worse: those alive in 1948 are dying off
and in about fifty years not a single real refugee will remain alive,
whereas (extrapolating from an authoritative estimate in Refugee Survey Quarterly by Mike Dumper) their fake refugee descendants will number about 20 million. Unchecked, that population will grow like Topsy until the end of time.
This matters because the refugee status has
harmful effects: It blights the lives of these millions of non-refugees
by disenfranchising them while imposing an ugly, unrealistic
irredentist dream on them; worse, the refugee status preserves them as a
permanent dagger aimed at Israel's heart, threatening the Jewish state and disrupting the Middle East.
Solving the Arab-Israeli conflict, in
short, requires ending the absurd and damaging farce of proliferating
fake Palestine refugees and permanently settling them. 1948 happened;
time to get real.
Senator Mark Kirk (Republican of Illinois), the force behind making long-needed changes to UNRWA.
I am proud to report that, in part based on
the work carried out by the Middle East Forum's Steven J. Rosen and
myself over the past year, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on May 24 unanimously passed a limited but potentially momentous amendment to the $52.1 billion fiscal 2013 State Department and foreign operations appropriations bill.
The amendment, proposed by Mark Kirk
(Republican of Illinois) requires the State Department to inform
Congress about the use of the annual $240 million
of direct American taxpayer funds donated to Palestine refugees via
UNRWA. How many recipients, Kirk asks, meet the UNRWA definition cited
above, making them real refugees? And how many do not, but are
descendants of those refugees?
The Kirk amendment does not call for
eliminating or even reducing benefits to fake refugees. Despite its
limited nature, Kirk calls the reporting requirement a "watershed." Indeed, it inspired what a senior Senate GOP aide called "enormous opposition" from the Jordanian government and UNRWA itself, bringing on what Foreign Policy magazine's Josh Rogin called a raging battle.
Why the rage? Because, were the State
Department compelled to differentiate real Palestine refugees from fake
ones, the U.S. and other Western governments (who, together, cover over
80 percent of UNRWA's budget) could eventually decide to cut out the
fakes and thereby undermine their claim to a "right of return" to Israel.
Deputy Secretary of State Thomas R. Nides, who is trying to maintain UNRWA's dysfunctional system.
Sadly, the Obama administration has badly botched this issue. A letter from Deputy Secretary of State Thomas R. Nides opposing an earlier version
of the Kirk amendment demonstrates complete incoherence. On the one
hand, Nides states that Kirk would, by forcing the U.S. government "to
make a public judgment on the number and status of Palestinian refugees …
prejudge and determine the outcome of this sensitive issue." On the
other, Nides himself refers to "approximately five million [Palestine]
refugees," thereby lumping together real and fake refugees – and
prejudging exactly the issue he insists on leaving open. That 5-million
refugee statement was no fluke; when asked about it, State Department
spokesman Patrick Ventrell confirmed that "the U.S. government supports" the guiding principle to "recognize descendants of refugees as refugees."
Also, by predicting a "very strong negative
reaction [to the amendment] from the Palestinians and our allies in the
region, particularly Jordan," Nides invited Arabs to pressure the U.S.
Senate, a shoddy maneuver unworthy of the State Department.
Through all of Israel's 64-year existence,
one American president after another has resolved to resolve the
Arab-Israeli conflict, yet every one of them ignored the ugliest aspect
of this confrontation – the purposeful exploitation of a refugee issue
to challenge the very existence of the Jewish state. Bravo to Senator
Kirk and his staff for the wisdom and courage to begin the effort to
address unpleasant realities, initiating a change that finally goes to
the heart of the conflict.
Mr. Pipes ( is president of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. © 2012 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.
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