research and writings of Nicolai Sennels may have crucial, albeit exceptionally
controversial and politically incorrect implications for understanding both the
likely similarities as well as possible crucial differences between many Muslims
and Westerners as far as politics, economics and religion are concerned. It is
also important to include these postulations (even if clearly only imperfect
generalizations) in any discussion as to how these cultural implications, where
relevant, would affect the chances for a Muslim Reformation and the evolution of
Islamic moderation.
Sennels is a Danish psychologist who developed an unorthodox therapy at
Sønderbro, the
Danish youth prison. He taught the young prisoners about
mindfulness meditation and developed a special program on anger management,
focusing on teaching criminals with a low understanding of emotions and empathy,
how to take responsibility for their own behavior. In 2008, the prisoners of
Sønderbro voted the facility as the best prison in Denmark.

out of ten inmates in the Danish youth prisons have immigrant backgrounds, and
almost all of them are Muslims. Sennels was threatened by his superiors that if
he were to discuss his experiences, he would risk losing his job.
decided in spite of the evident risks, to publish a book on his experiences,
Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist's Experiences from the Copenhagen
Municipality. Hereafter are selections from his interviews, which may be
one-sided, may be hard-hitting, yet do open the door somewhat to issues often
There are many differences between people brought up as Muslims and those who
are brought up as Westerners. I identified four main differences that are
important in order to understand the behavior of Muslims. They concern anger,
self-confidence, the so-called "locus of control" and identity.
are brought up to think of anger as a sign of weakness, powerlessness and lack
of self-control. "Big dogs don't have to bark," as we say in Denmark. In Muslim
culture, anger is seen as a sign of strength. To Muslims, being aggressive is a
way of gaining respect. When we see pictures of bearded men hopping up and down
and shooting in the air, we should take it for what it is: the local madhouse
passing by.
Western culture, self-confidence is connected with the ability to meet criticism
calmly and to respond rationally. We are raised to see people who easily get
angry when criticized, as insecure and immature.
Muslim culture it is the opposite; it is honorable to respond aggressively and
to engage in a physical fight in order to scare or force critics to withdraw,
even if this results in a prison sentence or even death. They see non-aggressive
responses to such threats and violence as a sign of a vulnerability that is to
be exploited. They do not interpret a peaceful response as an invitation to
enter into a dialogue, diplomacy, intellectual debate, compromise or peaceful

of control" is a term used in psychology, and relates to the way in which people
feel that their lives are controlled. In Western culture, we are brought up to
have an "inner locus of control,"
that we see our own inner emotions, reactions, decisions and views as the main
deciding factor in our lives. There may be outer circumstances that influence
our situation, but in the end, it is our own perception of a situation and the
way we handle it that decides our future and our state of mind. The "inner locus
of control" leads to increased self-responsibility and motivates people to
become able to solve their own problems. Muslims are brought up to have an
"outer locus of control." Their constant use of the term inshallah ("Allah
willing") when talking about the future, as well as the fact that most aspects
of their lives are decided by outer traditions and authorities, leaves very
little space for individual freedom.
initiatives are often severely punished. This shapes their way of thinking, and
means that when things go wrong, it is always the fault of others or the
situation. Unfortunately, many Westerners go overboard with their
self-responsibility and start to take responsibility for others' behavior as
well. The mix of many Westerners being overly forgiving, their flexible
attitude, and Muslim self-pity and blame is the psychological crowbar that has
opened the West to Islamization (and consequent sympathy towards Shariah Law and
Madrassas). Our overly protective welfare system shields immigrants from
noticing the consequences of their own behavior and thereby learning from their
mistakes and motivating them to improve.
identity plays a big role when it comes to psychological differences between
Muslims and Westerners. Westerners are taught to be open and tolerant toward
other cultures, races, religions, etc.
makes us less critical, impairs our ability to discriminate, and makes our
societies open to the influence of other cultural trends and values that may not
always be constructive. Muslims, on the other hand, are taught again and again
that they are superior, and that all others are so bad that Allah will throw
them in hell when they die.
most Westerners find national and cultural pride embarrassing, Muslim culture's
self-glorification achieves the opposite with their culture and
general, Westerners are taught to be kind, self-assured, self-responsible and
tolerant, while Muslims are taught to be aggressive, insecure and
in the West is dependent on motivation and freedom. Immigrants have to want to
integrate, be allowed to by their family and friends.
coming from cultures that are aimed mainly at physical survival, and in which
practice and adherence to cultural traditions give more
social status than having a good education and being self-supporting, usually
are not very productive if they can live on the state. If on top of that, they
can live in closed communities among others with the same culture and language,
there is very little reason for them to get involved in our society. The only
solution is to make the lack of integration so impractical and economically
non-beneficial that the only attractive choice is to integrate or receive our
offer of state-sponsored repatriation.

communal fear and coercion, the majority "voluntarily" prefer Sharia to
intellectually demanding jobs in our high-tech societies, it is not easy for
people brought up to believe that the Qur'an and Hadith, not school and science,
has the answers. Our workplaces demand that the employees are able to take
initiative and be creative, difficult among people who are first of all expected
to blindly submit and who live in surroundings that punish independent thinking
and behavior, sometimes even with death.
and Maslow's views describe the goals and aims of the Western society as the
full development of an individual's potential - this does not apply to Islam or
the Muslim tradition. The aim of Islam and Muslims is dominance, not
self-realization. Islam and Muslim culture is an aggressive movement, and giving
space to female qualities such as sensitivity and empathy would be a
compromise, tolerance, democracy, compassion, sensitivity and empathy have to be
locked away both on an internal and external level. On the outside, the
oppression of women limits their influence, and their aversion against
femininity in the outer world helps Muslims to also repress it inside themselves
on the psychological level.
Oppression of women is thus a
psychological method of hardening a culture on the outside and people on the
other reason why Muslims oppress women and female sexuality, is the fact that
women are simply stronger when it comes to sex. And it does not work for
omnipotent, jealous and insecure Muslim macho-men that they in the most naked
and vulnerable situation of all are the weaker party. Muslim men compensate for
this by oppressing their women and locking them up in apartments and ugly clumsy
garments. In many Muslim societies, a women's ability to enjoy sex is simply
destroyed by clitorectomy via a knife or a piece of glass.
love can only exist on the basis of respect and equality. The emotional and
sexual frustration that results from the inequality of the sexes and being
forced to marry a partner that one does not love surely contribute to the
aggression and emotional immaturity. As one said, "forced marriage is the
earthquake and what follows is a tsunami of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, child
protection issues, suicide and murder."
culture's degrading view of non-Muslims functions in the same way as war
propaganda. By hearing again and again how evil, disgusting and unworthy the
enemy is, empathy is removed, aggression is strengthened, and the step towards
harming the perceived enemy becomes smaller.
does not strive for freedom, happiness and love. Islam strives for the
submission of Muslims to Allah and of non-Muslims to Muslims - a dark, cold and
humorless world where men are forced to mistreat their women and everybody is a
slave to a god whose only wish is the enforcement of Sharia down to the very
last comma. They do what they can to reach their final solution, and we must do
what we can to prevent it from happening.
in Denmark are worried about the freedom of our women and the future of our
children, and about our constitutions. And we know that the first and in many
cases also the biggest victims of Islam are Muslims.
politicians and media aim for the soft middle in society in order to be
reelected and to sell newspapers and ads, and it is therefore up to ordinary
people to protect our values, society and constitution and not fear to lose a
few politically correct friends on the way.
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