Sunday, September 23, 2012

Israel "more loathsome" than Nazis: PA Daily

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Israel's treatment of Palestinians is worse than anything carried out by Hitler and the Nazis during the Holocaust, according to the official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper.

Three recent articles in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida claim that Israel's behavior is worse than that of the Nazis. The articles use such terms as "loathsome," "dangerous and criminal" and "despicable" to describe Israel's treatment of Palestinians and Arabs.

Palestinian Media Watch has documented PA Holocaust denial and distortion.

The following are excerpts from the three articles:

"It looks like the Palestinian National Authority is simultaneously facing war on a number of fronts...
Among the volatile topics is the insane settlement enterprise that the Netanyahu government continues, using racist settlers, who behave more like wounded and mad wolves aroused by the smell of blood, and whose actions against our people are more loathsome than any Zionist story about the Nazi Holocaust."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 6, 2012]

"Members of the Jewish religion must awaken from the coma of historical distortion, which was fabricated by the Zionist movement and world capitalists, the very same [capitalists] who wheel and deal in the Nazi and Fascist slaughter of Jews during WWII.  Since what they (i.e., the Jews) are doing in Palestine against the Palestinian Arab people is more dangerous and criminal than what Hitler's Holocaust brought on the Jews and the nations of the world of the 1940s."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 18, 2012]

"The Al-Quds Open University branch in northern Gaza screened the documentary film Two Holocausts with director Dr. Suwailam Al-Abbasi and other film participants attending.  Also attending was the University Vice President for Gaza Affairs, Dr. Jihad al-Batsh... who declared that the film is an attempt to appeal to the viewer's conscience by presenting the main cases of slaughter perpetrated by the occupation's gangs against the Palestinian people.  Al-Batsh added that the film shows that Israel and the Zionist movement are doing to the Palestinian people what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, in the same way, but in a more despicable manner."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 20, 2012]

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