The large-scale presence of Muslims in the countries of western Europe has created a situation for both the native non-Msulims, and for non-Muslim immigrants, that is much more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without that large-scale Muslim presence."
The expense comes from added security, to guard synagogues, Hindu and Sikh temples, churches, and schools and camps and other institutions related to them. It comes from the need for additional security at all airports, all train stations, all Tube stations, on all busses. It comes from the need to provide security at hospitals, especially for medical personnel who may be bullied or attacked by disgruntled Muslim family members who may not approve of Western medical practices (as a male doctor examining a female Muslim patient). The expense comes from the need to pay the police, lawyers, judges who have to handle so many more criminal cases that involve Muslims, who all over Western Europe have rates of criminality 5 to 10 times as high as non-Muslims.
It requires more money even for schools -- especially in France -- where Muslim students have been known to threaten or attack teachers, either for daring to teach certain subjects (the Kings of France, Voltaire and the Enlightenment, World War II and the mass-murder of Jews, not to mention anything taught about the French in North Africa or about Islam that does not accord with what the Muslims regard as the indispensable party-line). How much is this sum? How many tens of billions, all over the Western world, or perhaps even hundreds of billions (if we include the gigantic sums dispensed in the United States for security-related measures), are being spent because of the Muslims in our midst?
Here's a story from The Daily Mail, just about the sums paid by British taxpayers to pay for lawyers for two groups -- just two -- of Muslims accused of involvement in terrorism.
Al Qaeda bomb plot gangs were handed £30m in legal aid to fund their defence
- Trial of attempted July 21 bombers cost taxpayers £7.1million in legal aid
- Terrorists who plotted to blow up planes given £12.2million to fund defence
- Justice Secretary plans to hire junior lawyers to cut down on costs
Two gangs of Al Qaeda terrorists who plotted to inflict mass murder on the British public shared more than £30million in legal aid, it emerged last night.
Figures released by the Ministry of Justice show the astonishing sums being paid out by taxpayers to fund defence in criminal cases.
Recipients of huge amounts include the July 21 bombers, a group of Islamist fanatics behind the 2006 airline liquid bomb plot and a string of fraud cases.
The former fugitive Asil Nadir - who rented a £23,000-a-month London residence during his trial - received more than £1million in legal aid.
'Suffolk Strangler' Steven Wright, who murdered five prostitutes in Ipswich, was given £444,220 to pay for his defence.
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said of the revelations: ‘Of course everyone deserves a defence.
‘But when you look at costs involved in some cases, you have to ask whether we can afford to provide this level of support in criminal trials.
‘Criminal legal aid costs one billion a year, and at a time like this, you have to challenge whether we are getting appropriate value for taxpayers’ money.’
A breakdown published by Mr Grayling’s department details the most expensive legal aid cases in each of the last five financial years.

Help: The July 21 bombers, pictured on CCTV buying peroxide, received £7.1million in taxpayer funds
The four men tried to mirror the previous attack but their rucksacks, packed with explosives, failed to detonate. At their trial in 2007, they claimed it was a deliberate hoax to protest over the war in Iraq.
The following year the eight defendants in an alleged conspiracy to launch suicide bomb attacks on a succession of transatlantic airliners, using liquid bombs, cost £12.2million in legal aid. The plot led to draconian restrictions on what could be taken on flights.
The first jury failed to reach a verdict in the case - leading to re-trials which swallowed a further £14.8million. Ultimately, seven out of the eight original suspects were found guilty of conspiracy to murder.

Money: Jars of substances kept by the attempted transatlantic plane bombers, whose trial sucked up £12.2million in legal aid
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