Monday, January 28, 2013

Increased Tension at Northern Israeli Border


The IDF senior echelon holds discussions over possibility that Israel will be forced to act to prevent the transfer of chemical weapons from Syria to Hezbollah

Tensions are increasing along the Israeli northern border, against the backdrop of growing concerns that Syria will soon transfer chemical weapons into the hands of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the possibility that Israel will attempt to prevent such a transfer.

A special debate by the Israeli forum of nine (which consists of the top nine ministers) was held last Tuesday, and it has now been learned that there are various deliberations among the IDF senior echelon, including officials from the IDF Northern Command, the Home Front Command, and the Home Front Defense Ministry.
Earlier today, the IAF deployed an Iron Dome battery in the Haifa region, directed towards Lebanon. A series of improvements was recently introduced to the system batteries, allowing them to deal with heavier and longer-ranged missiles and rockets.

Comment:  Where is the current USA Administration?  They are privy to this same information and much more.  Are they publicly rebuking Syria?  Does the Administration say that if this should occur they will offer Israel air support to ensure that chemical weapons do not get into Hizbollah's hands?  We are doing what needs to be done here in Israel-given the Obama administration has frequently said that it has our back, when we look over our shoulder we see only emptiness-promsies that is!

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