Monday, February 25, 2013

COP: The Pros and Cons of Sequestration‏

Across-the-board spending cuts to military and domestic programs are slated for March 1, unless Congress takes action to stop them. There has been a lot of talk on both sides of the aisle about these cuts, commonly referred to as the sequester. We're dedicated to ensuring that the truth doesn't get lost in all the noise.

As the sequestration deadline rapidly approaches, the White House and congressional Republicans remain far apart and neither appears willing to make any concessions to halt the process that analysts claim will disrupt government services and has the potential to toss a monkey wrench into an already slumbering economy.

So how did we get here? Bill Straub breaks down the nuts and bolts of the sequestration "meat axe." Click here to read his post now.

The stakes are high in the sequester battle. Washington, D.C., editor Bridget Johnson reports that America's elite special operations forces are poised to take a hit if the sequestration defense cuts, coupled with another continuing budget resolution that ties the military's hands in directing funds to needed areas, are allowed to happen. Click here to read the full article.

On Next Generation TV, former Congressman and Lt. Col. Allen West talks with Marion C. Blakey, CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, to find out what sequestration would mean for our economic and military readiness. Watch the video to learn more about the potential effects of the sequester.

PJ Media contributor Tom Blumer offers a different perspective on this issue, and he argues that we should let the sequester happen: "At this point, allowing sequestration to happen is a precondition for beginning the sobering-up process the political class in Washington must undergo if this country is to financially survive."

Is there a silver lining in allowing sequestration to go forward? Rick Moran thinks the sequester may ultimately reveal that at least some of what we've asked government to do, we are better able to do ourselves.

PJ Media will continue to follow the developments on the sequester. Stay tuned for more coverage through the next week.  


Aaron Hanscom
Managing Editor, PJ Media

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