In the face of the powers that be in government, education, and the media, Pamela Geller and her collaborators toil away to present a more realistic picture of the implacable Islamic religious war underway against the West for over a millennium. Their latest campaign undertaken by The American Freedom Defense Initiative is once again using transit ads in New York. Here are two of the first ads:

The New York Post writes of the campaign:
Another picture shows a woman dressed in a white burqa getting whipped above the words: "Under Islamic law rape victims are tortured or killed unless they agree to marry their rapist."
Geller said that picture is from Indonesia.
She submitted the ads to the MTA yesterday.
It's unclear when they will go up; her ads have been approved before.
The reference to apartheid is a direct rebuttal of the American Muslims for Palestine ad, which went up on Monday - the first day of Passover - in 25 MetroNorth stations.
Geller requested her ads be hung in the same stations, which include Fordham and 125th Street.
The pro-Palestinian ads read: "Americans give Israel $3 billion per year! End Apartheid now!"
A spokesman for the Muslim group said the ads were about reclaiming their heritage.
She also said it was a coincidence that they went up on Passover.
The American establishment, focused on the money and power wielded by certain Islamic nations, clings bravely to a benign picture of the faith, as if affirming the existence of nonviolent Muslims meant that there is no danger from the rest, the ones who really embrace the injunctions of the prophet. Pamela, Robert Spencer and the others involved in the effort have truth on their side. And that actually matters.
Page Printed from: at March 29, 2013 - 01:58:53 AM CDT
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