Muslims living in America should not be bound by U.S. law, according to a leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who delivered the controversial message to a crowd at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas.
“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch.
The rally in Austin was part of a nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events.
According to the event website, Muslims from around Texas went to the capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”
The organizers said one major issue discussed “was the recent House and Senate bill proposals involving the implementation of ‘anti-Shariah’ legislation, where the First Amendment rights and freedoms of Muslims would ultimately be hindered.”
Critics argue Shariah prohibits other faiths from free exercise of religion when enforced, giving freedom only to Muslims.
Carroll’s statement was similar to a statement allegedly made by CAIR co-founder and former chairman Omar M. Ahmad. He was paraphrased by a reporter saying, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant” and the Quran “should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
Carroll began joking about the widespread concern about Shariah, the religious code that governs Muslim civil and political life.
“We tried to downplay Shariah, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.
He dismissed critics who express concern about Shariah, calling them “anti-foreign.”
“When you even say the word Shariah, people get nervous. We are not advocating for Shariah. We are not trying to make Shariah the law of the land,” he said.
Carroll claimed Muslims only want the “right to practice our faith.”
But he also said, “If you understand Shariah, the foundation of our faith … how we treat our neighbor, how we treat our parents … how we participate in society, all of that is part of Shariah.”
Carroll is on record defending Hamas, classified by the U.S. as a terrorist group.
“I think you can only blame Hamas for so long. It takes two to tango. And I think, you know, that what we’ve heard for a number of years is this terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, was not just Hamas,” he’s said.
At CAIR’s Dallas banquet in 2007, Carroll denied the Quran is the source of terrorism.
“Look at the true cause of the terrorism. It’s not somebody is reading a book, reading a Quran, and then go out and say, ‘Well, the Quran told me to blow this up. I’m gonna blow it up.’ The cause, the root cause of terrorism is oppression. The root cause of terrorism is oppression.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/we-are-above-the-law-of-the-land/#7QLzhvWduD4lHW6I.99
Comment: This is not an isolated person making such a declaration, it is the essence of Islamic doctrine. For all my friends, family, colleagues and fellow citizens do not believe me, take it upon yourself, as did I some years ago, to study Islam. You eyes may then be opened. For those unwilling to take on this suggestion you are akind to the proverbial ostrich and the head in the sand. I have made a decision some time ago that I will stand against that which contradicts my personal values-I shall defend my values as vehemently as do those who which to impose theirs upon me and my family. PC is no longer a means to control what I say and certainly not to deny me my rights to stand for what I believe is best.
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