Remember how Americans were ridiculed and persecuted by the media, politicians and Muslims for opposing a foreign-funded mega mosque at Ground Zero? Will the media equally tar these Muslims as hateful Christianphobes? Doubt it. The media has been perpetrating Srebrenica falsehoods on behalf of Muslims for years. via Serbian church near massacre site opposed – Europe – Al Jazeera English.
Mothers of Srebrenica massacre victims have spoken of their heartache over the construction of a church near mass graves.
The US has joined calls for the Serbian
Orthodox church to be moved away from the graves holding victims of the
1995 Bosnian War killings.
Despite this, construction, about 30 metres from where the remains were found, is still going ahead.
via The “Srebrenica Massacre” as a Western Myth:
Dorin also reminded of the statements by the Muslim politicians given to media about an “offer” American president Bill Clinton made to Bosnian Muslim war leader Alija Izetbegović back in April 1993,
to have “the Chetnik [Serb] forces enter Srebrenica and massacre 5,000
Muslims, which would result in the [US-led NATO] military intervention”
against Bosnian Serbs.
At the same time, Dutch UNPROFOR troops
testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct
manner, while Srebrenica Muslim warlord Naser Orić with his fighters
was massacring Serb civilians in the most monstrous fashion for years in
Srebrenica municipality, and pillaging and destroying their property
all the while.
Muslims were not only defended by the U.S., they were illegally armed by the U.S., Clinton OK’d Iran-Bosnia Arms Sales.
President Clinton secretly gave a
green light to covert Iranian arms shipments into Bosnia-Herzegovina in
1994 despite a United Nations arms embargo that the United States was pledged to uphold, according to senior administration officials and other sources.
Two top U.S. diplomats, acting on
instructions from the White House and the State Department, told
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in early 1994 that the United States
would not object to the creation of an arms pipeline that would channel
the weapons through Croatia and into Bosnia for the Muslim forces
fighting in the bloody civil war.
Clinton-administration officials insist that the decision on the arms shipments was justified. The United States was always sympathetic to the Muslims, who bore the brunt of Serbian territorial aggression, and amenable to easing their plight short of violating the embargo.
Territorial aggression? This is Muslim propaganda. Most of Bosnia's land was Serb. They're farmers. Muslims are in cities. Population density of and territorial extent of farmers is vastly greater than that of city dwellers. What really started the war was Turkey's invasion of Christian lands Muslims' declaration, backed by Clinton, to dominate the Christians and re-Islamize cecular muslims..