Saturday, July 13, 2013

Obama’s Ambassador Orders Egypt to Release All Muslim Brotherhood Members

Daniel Greenfield

This may have been filtered through the Egyptian media for that extra nationalistic flavor, but the demands are in line with those already made by Obama and State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
Yesterday El Fagr reported that, during their most recent phone conversation, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson demanded that Egyptian General Sisi release all Muslim Brotherhood members currently being held for questioning: “And when Sisi rejected this order, the American ambassador began threatening him that Egypt will turn into another Syria and live through a civil war, to which Sisi responded violently: ‘Neither you nor your country can overcome Egypt and its people.’”

Moreover, the day before the Salafi party withdrew from negotiations with the new Egyptian government, Al Nahar reported that Patterson had “incited them [the Nour Party, the Salafi party] to tamper with the political scene and the road map and to threaten to withdraw from political participation if Dr. Muhammad Baradei becomes elected as Prime Minister…”
Apparently, these are the “many forms of pressure” that Patterson earlier assured Hishan Qandil the U.S. would use to reinstate the Brotherhood.
Plan B for Brotherhood is moving forward.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:
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