Sunday, October 27, 2013

COP: Rep. Joe Wilson Vindicated

Richard Kline

On September 9, 2009, Joe Wilson, Congressman from South Carolina, shouted "You lie!" when President Obama was touting the benefits of his Affordable Care Act, now dubbed "Obamacare."  Many in America were shocked that anyone would call the President of the United States a liar in such a forum as a presidential address to a joint session of Congress.

 But, now, as we look back on 5 years of Barack Obama, we see that Obama and his Administration do lie.  And they lie a lot.

  • Both Eric Holder and Barack Obama stated that "Fast and Furious was a program begun in the Bush Administration". That was a lie. The Bush Administration had, in fact, shut down any efforts to track illegal shipments of guns to Mexico because it was a dangerous and untenable undertaking.
  • Hillary Clinton, Susan Wright and Barack Obama all stated that the attack in Benghazi was caused by Islamist spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamist video produced in the United States. We know now - and they knew then - that the attack in Benghazi was a well planned effort by well armed Islamic extremists with connections to Al Qaeda.
  • The President assured us that "..... the IRS targeting of conservative groups like the Tea Party..." was an isolated instance of rogue IRS employees in the Cincinnati office. We now know that the senior levels of the Administration (e.g., the Treasury Department General Counsel, the Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, and the Office of the White House Counsel) were acutely aware of these plans to target these conservative groups and were worried about these
  • The President and the National Director of Intelligence reassured the American people time and time again that the phone calls and emails of Americans were not being monitored and recorded as part of our intelligence programs. We know that to be false and, further, we now know that our electronic spying is international in scope and technologically sophisticated.

These are but a few of the lies that Barack Obama and his "partners in deception" have pushed upon the American people.  Presidents and Administrations have historically concealed intelligence operations and national security concerns from the American public.  But Barack Obama knows no limits to the lying that he and his Administration concoct to deceive and misdirect Americas.

Recently, the disastrous rollout of Obamacare has provided fertile fields for more lying.

  • "If you like your current insurance plan, you can keep it. Period."
  • "If you like your current doctor, you can keep that doctor."
  • "Your premiums will go down an average of $2500 per year."
  • "The cost of this national healthcare program will be less than $1 trillion."
  • "Obamacare would not cover illegal aliens."
  • "Obamacare would not cover abortions."

These are not just lies.  These are damn lies that the Administration knew would be such, but still foisted them on the American public to divert attention away from the truth about Obamacare and the impact it would have upon us all.

Joe Wilson was right when he said "You lie." 

To my knowledge, the only truth that Obama has ever uttered is that "He would fundamentally change America." 

And he is doing just that with lies and deceit.

Page Printed from: at October 27, 2013 - 08:03:35 AM CDT

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