Monday, October 28, 2013

Netanyahu figures out Obama's not his friend?

Has Israel's Prime Minister finally realized the truth? With the Obama administration pushing Congress to delay further sanctions against Iran,, Netanyahu is finally pushing back. For the first time since 2011, the Netanyahu government is acting in direct opposition to the Obama administration, urging Congress to pass more sanctions against Iran... now. 

An Israeli official said on Saturday night that the entire debate over whether Iran had continued to enrich uranium at that level was “meaningless” and an attempt to divert attention from the main issue: The need for Iran to completely stop uranium enrichment at any level.

The international community, therefore, should ensure the full dismantlement of Iran’s military nuclear weapons program, and until it does, sanctions against Iran should be increased, the official said.

“A nation that can enrich uranium to 3.5% can have the ability” through innovative centrifuges “to enrich it at 90%. A nation that has the ability to recycle fuel, is almost guaranteed the ability to produce nuclear weapons,” the official said.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu already spoke of this point when he addressed the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of September, the official said.
The official saw no reason why Iran, which systematically violates UN Security Council resolutions, should retain any enrichment capability or a heavy water reactor, given that these two elements are not necessary for a civilian nuclear energy program, but only for the development of nuclear weapons.
Netanyahu conveyed a similar message to US Secretary of State John Kerry when the two men met in Rome last week, and Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said the same thing to US Vice President Joseph Biden when the two men met in Washington on Thursday.
Both the US and Israel agree that Iran’s nuclear program must be halted, and that existing sanctions should not be eased until this happens. However, the two governments differ on the issue of imposing new sanctions.
At the rate we're going, Obama might consider imposing new sanctions once Iran wipes Israel off the map, God forbid. If youread the whole thing, you will see that moron Jen Psaki saying that 'there's always time for new sanctions.' Yeah sure, but they won't do any good later. 
I wouldn't give Obama ANY notice. I'd attack Iran and call and tell him after the planes drop their loads.
Thanks Don S.

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