Thursday, October 31, 2013

Still don't get it or believe?

DHS Muslim Adviser: “United States of America Is An Islamic Country”…‏

 Islamists believe that once they have gained a foothold in a country, that country is then under the dominion of Allah; thus, we witness Muslims attempts to reclaim land throughout the globe they believe belongs to them.

Shari Goodman

Mohammed Elibiary is a Texas-based Islamic cleric who founded Lone Star Intelligence LLC, a security crisis consulting firm, and the Freedom and Justice Foundation in 2002 to “promote a centrist public-policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state-level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community.”  His group successfully lobbied for the passage of Texas's Halal Food Law and the institution of Islamic prayers by imams in both chambers of the Texas State Legislature.  (See State House Proselytism).

In 2004, Elibiary spoke at a Dallas conference held in honor of the late Ayatollah Khomeini.  

In 2006, Elibiary co-founded the North Texas Islamic Council to coordinate activities at mosques, schools and community groups serving the Dallas-Fort Worth's area Muslims (approximately 150,000).  

In 2009, he established the Texas Fusion Center Policy Council to help state and local law-enforcement improve information-sharing and community relations.

In 2010, Elibiary was appointed to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Advisory Council with top level security clearance access to intelligence.  

In 2013, he was promoted to senior advisor of the DHS Advisory Council.

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

DHS Muslim Adviser: “United States of America Is An Islamic Country”…

Mohamed Elibiary’s bio from the Department of Homeland Security’s list of advisers:

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