Children's hate speech against Jews
broadcast on PA TV children's program
Young girl: "The Jews poisoned him
and I hate them very much"
Young boy:" I don't know what he died from,
but I know it was by the Jews"
Children repeating libel that Jews murdered Arafat
broadcast by PA TV for 5 successive years
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
In an episode of the PA TV children's program The Best Home
marking the anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death in November, the
program editors chose to include videos of children repeating the libel
that the Jews killed Arafat:
Boy: "He died from poisoning by the Jews. Well, I don't know what he died from, but I know it was by the Jews..."
Click to view
PA TV narrator:
"The worst blow was when the people realized that Yasser Arafat became a
Martyr through poisoning, meaning that Israel put poison among his
Around the same time, PA TV News broadcast a
report about a photo exhibit in Jerusalem marking the anniversary of
Arafat's death and chose to include the following similar statement by a
young boy:
Palestinian Media Watch documented that PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash in a televised sermon also accused Israel of poisoning Arafat, comparing it to the Islamic belief that Jews killed the Prophet Muhammad.
In 2012, the PA decided to take samples from Arafat's remains to test if he had been poisoned. Recently, a Swiss and a Russian team published the results of these tests. The Swiss team concluded that the tests were "coherent with a hypothesis of poisoning." However, a member of the team also stated that "our study did not permit us to demonstrate categorically the hypothesis of poisoning by polonium." The Russian report concluded that "there was insufficient evidence to support the theory that Yasser Arafat died in 2004 by polonium poisoning." [Reuters, Nov. 8, 2013]
In response to reports about Arafat being poisoned, The Independent wrote the following:
leading British biomedical scientist says it is 'highly unlikely' that
former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat died in a French hospital in
2004 from a lethal dose of radioactive polonium... Professor Nicholas
Priest, who formerly headed the biomedical research unit of the Atomic
Energy Authority in Britain, told The Independent that, while poisoning
by polonium 'cannot be totally ruled out,' the symptoms were very
different from those of the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko, who
died in London in 2006... He pointed out that polonium would be
naturally produced in the bones of anyone buried as a by-product of the
bones absorbing lead from the soil, a point, he said, that 'the authors
of the report understand but the journalists do not'... Professor Priest
said it was 'far too dangerous and scientifically unjustified' to
calculate how much polonium was in Arafat's body on the basis of 'such
tiny concentrations of polonium.'"
Click to see other examples of PA libels about Israel.The following is the excerpt from the PA TV children's program repeating the libel that the Jews killed Arafat:
PA TV host: "I want to tell you, my children friends, that Yasser Arafat was a close friend of all children..."
"He was our former President. He was under siege in Ramallah, and when
he was under siege we were very upset. The Jews poisoned him and I hate
them very much. Allah will repay them what they deserve..."
Boy: "He died from poisoning by the Jews. Well, I don't know what he died from, but I know it was by the Jews..."
PA TV narrator:
"The worst blow was when the people realized that Yasser Arafat became a
Martyr through poisoning meaning that Israel put poison among his
[Official PA TV, Nov. 16, 2013]
and other children's statements accusing the Jews of poisoning Yasser
Arafat have been broadcast on official PA TV for five successive years:
Nov. 10, 2009; Nov. 10, 2010; Nov. 11, 2011; Nov. 11, 2012 and Nov. 16,
Young boy at exhibit:
"We love Arafat very much. He is precious to us. He died of poisoning.
Israel poisoned him because of his cause - he is Palestinian. They are
occupiers. They don't want us to live in peace [or] as free people."
[Official PA TV, Nov. 11, 2013]Comment: Readers, until this kind of state-sponsored programming ceases to exist, until the same state-sponsored programming undoes decades of anti-Israel, anti-Jew negative stereotyping, there is no possibility of peace; PIP, peaces isn't possible. Signed documents do not alter the reality on the ground-anyone who believes differently is a ....
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