Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Now It Makes a Difference: Clinton Says Benghazi "Biggest Regret"

Katie Pavlich

One year ago last week, former Secretary of State and potential 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said this under oath in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

Now after lying about a YouTube video and falsely promising families answers, Clinton is saying her biggest regret as Secretary of State is Benghazi. She made the declaration during an interview at the National Automobile Association convention in New Orleans.

"You know, my biggest, you know, regret is what happened in Benghazi. It was a terrible tragedy, losing four Americans, two diplomats and now it's public, so I can say two CIA operatives, losing an ambassador like Chris Stevens, who was one of our very best and had served in Libya and across the Middle East and spoke Arabic," Clinton said.

Clinton may say her biggest regret is Benghazi, but her actions don't show it.
Editor's note: A previous version of this post stated Clinton's comment were made at the Washington D.C. auto show. That is incorrect. The comments were made at the NADA convention in New Orleans.

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