That’s the good news.

via Culpeper sheriff: no plans to stop counterterrorism training – Roanoke Times: Virginia.
Despite the urging of local and national
Islamic leaders, Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins said Friday that
he has no plans to cancel a controversial three-day counterterrorism
training session next week.
Jenkins met Friday with Corey Saylor of
the D.C.-based Council on American-Islamic relations and Dr. Nabeel
Babar, director of the Islamic Center of Culpeper, both of whom asked
the sheriff to cancel the training sessions scheduled for Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday at Germanna Community College’s Daniel Technology
Center. The sessions will be led by former FBI agent John Guandolo,
whom the CAIR called a “notorious anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist” in a
release earlier this week.
Both Saylor and Jenkins described their
meeting as positive, but Saylor said he was not pleased the seminar will
apparently go on as planned.
“Sheriff Jenkins wants to hold some good
counterterrorism seminars, and that is how it should be,” Saylor said,
adding, “We just don’t think John Guandolo is the man to do it.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which
monitors extremist groups, has also called on Jenkins to cancel the
seminars. It said Guandolo has claimed that CIA Director John Brennan is
a secret Muslim agent for the Saudis.
That claim could be easily confirmed by Brennan himself. Why
hasn’t anyone in the media simply asked him if he is or has ever been a
Jenkins said Friday that he offered to
hold the sessions with a disclaimer stating that his department does not
necessarily agree with anything Guandolo might say in his “Jihadi
Networks in America” training programs.
The bad news is Sheriff Jenkins apparently has no clue who the
FBI-banned, DOJ-confirmed, unindicted as a co-conspirator in the largest
Islamic terror finance conviction in U.S. history, Hamas-CAIR is. Links
on left nav bar for those new to CAIR’s racket.
Jenkins said he also offered Saylor and
Babar an opportunity to talk with his staff on Monday and hold a more
formal educational session at some later date.
“The more information we can get the better,” Jenkins said.
Only if you believe in keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.
Jenkins earlier stated that he and his men were capable of separating facts from any theories offered by Guandolo.
“We’ve got sense enough not to take anything we might not agree with at face value,” he said.
Although Saylor said he was pleased with
Jenkins’ bid at “addressing our concerns,” he said that he was
disappointed with the sheriff’s refusal to cancel the training sessions.
CAIR sent letters to the Virginia
Department of Criminal Justice and the Rappahannock Regional Justice
Academy on Friday afternoon asking that officers attending the seminar
not be given the 40 hours of re-certification credits it now carries.
“We respectfully request that the
Department of Criminal Justice Services withdraw its accreditation for
this hate-filled training program,” the letter to DCJS Director Garth
Wheeler stated.
According to a CAIR news release, Wheeler responded by saying he would look into the matter.
Jenkins said he assured Saylor and Babar
that the seminar “was not a political stunt.” He said he also told them
that some of the problems that have arisen might have been avoided “if
we had talked earlier.”
“I don’t like to be prejudged,” Jenkins said.
To ensure safety for everyone, Jenkins
said tight security measures will be put in place next week when
Guandolo holds his seminars.
Safety of whom? From what? Muslims?
A total of 50 officers from Culpeper, various parts of Virginia and other states are expected to attend.
Hamas-linked CAIR put out a call to action to Muslims. This is a non-Muslim call to action. Sheriff Jenkins should not be negotiating with terror-linked Muslim groups. Let him know.We’re now in discussions with the sheriff and ask that you not contact his office at this time. We’ve disabled the click-and-send letter for now. Thank you to all those who took action!
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