He only said out loud what everyone is thinking.

writer is National Vice Chairman of the Zionist Organization of
America, member of the Executive Board of the World Likud, member of
Ariel University's International Board of Governors and Vice President
of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Los Angeles. He practices law
in Los Angeles.
It is the Obama Administration that owes an apology to the American people...
"I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell." (Harry S. Truman)
politically correct set in the United States State Department became
enraged and almost hysterical when Defense Minister Moshe "Bougie"
Ya'alon decided to "give them hell".
That is, Ya'alon told the truth, and they "thought it was hell".
Specifically, Ya'alon correctly pointed out
that, as a result of American passivity, Russia has taken military
action against the Ukraine, China has become more aggressive in southeast Asia, and Iran is continuing to march towards obtaining nuclear weapons capability.
Ya'alon accurately noted that the perception of the international
community is that the United States is afflicted with "feebleness,"
which is jeopardizing the current world order and undermining the
security of the democratic nations, including the United States.
from grievously wounded feelings, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
reacted immediately. He and others In the Obama Administration
telephoned Prime Minister Netanyahu and demanded that Minister Ya'alon
be forced to apologize for saying out loud what everyone is thinking.
is the second time the State Department has taken umbrage at Minister
Ya'alon's candid observations. Several weeks ago they complained
bitterly when Minister Ya'alon rightly noted that Secretary Kerry was
"messianic" and "obsessive" in his desperate efforts to force a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and that the proposed security arrangements in the Jordan Valley were useless.
It is understandable that, for political reasons, Minister Ya'alon has chosen to issue quasi-apologies to
Secretary Kerry in response to the tantrums of the State Department. In
reality, however, Minister Ya'alon owes no apology to anyone for
publicly telling the painful truth. If anything, it is the Obama
Administration that owes an apology to the American people for shirking
its responsibilities as leader of the free world.
pathetic are the lamentations of the Israelis who quiver at the mere
thought of offending the delicate sensibilities of President Obama or
Secretary Kerry. Assuming a supine posture of obsequiousness, these
Israeli politicians and pundits insist that everyone tell the Obama
Administration what it wants to hear, no matter how disconnected from
reality it is:
big and strong you are! We are so grateful to you for demanding we
appease our enemies! You clearly know better than we what is in our best
Ya'alon has had the temerity to tell the unflattering truth about the
feckless foreign policy of the United States under the reign of
President Obama. His blunt and insightful statements may not have been
politically correct, but it is long past time for someone to have the
courage to make them.
Both the Israeli and American publics are entitled to have an honest dialogue about the threats to both countries.
United States public needs to hear that its government has lost the
respect of foes and friends alike throughout the world.
Israeli people need to understand that they stand alone against the
threats from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian Arabs. They must
not be deluded into thinking that the United States will be of any
Ya'alon deserves the gratitude of both Americans and Israelis for
telling it like it is, even if it seems like hell. Harry Truman would
have approved.
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