Pam Geller

Now that beleaguered city is getting a seven-million-dollar, 63,144-square-foot mega-mosque. Who pays for these mosquestrosities?
Here is a typical account of what happens to an otherwise oblivious town when invaded:
Shelbyville is about an hour’s drive from Nashville, in the heart of the
Bible Belt. Like many Americans, the citizens of Shelbyville knew little about
Somalia other than the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident, in which 18 U.S.
servicemen were killed while battling warlords and Islamic jihadists in the
Somali capital of Mogadishu.
Bible Belt. Like many Americans, the citizens of Shelbyville knew little about
Somalia other than the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident, in which 18 U.S.
servicemen were killed while battling warlords and Islamic jihadists in the
Somali capital of Mogadishu.
So when hundreds of Somalis began turning up in the town–many of them
dressed in traditional Islamic garb–locals quickly took notice.
dressed in traditional Islamic garb–locals quickly took notice.
“They’ve had an impact here. Unfortunately, it’s not been a good impact,”
said Brian Mosely, a reporter for the local Shelbyville Times-Gazette.
said Brian Mosely, a reporter for the local Shelbyville Times-Gazette.
Mosely won an award from the Associated Press for a series of articles he
wrote for the paper about Shelbyville’s Somalis.
wrote for the paper about Shelbyville’s Somalis.
“I found that there was just an enormous culture clash going on here,” he
said. “The Somalis were–according to a lot of the people I talked to here–were
being very, very rude, inconsiderate, very demanding. Tthey would go into stores
and haggle over prices. They would also demand to see a male salesperson, wouldnot deal with women in stores” (more here)
There is so much bubbling under the surface of these communities. Back in 2009, I ran a first-hand undercover investigation
into the Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, Tennessee, not far from where
this mosquetrosity will be built. What was exposed was unthinkable.
There was video/audio footage of a 7-year-old girl who talked about her
husband and how they are beaten during shariah class. Those children
were in terrible danger, and the undercover person inside needed to hide
the camera deeply. The little girl began to cry as she was telling the
teacher (our informant) about being beaten. Atlas readers called child
services, the Attorney General, Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN 5th District).
Nothing was ever done.said. “The Somalis were–according to a lot of the people I talked to here–were
being very, very rude, inconsiderate, very demanding. Tthey would go into stores
and haggle over prices. They would also demand to see a male salesperson, wouldnot deal with women in stores” (more here)
Subsequently, Youtube removed the videos (“its content violated their terms of service”) . But we keep putting them back up.

And now a monster mosque. This is not an Islamic center, it is a rabat. Amir Taheri writes here:
The Prophet imposed his rule on parts of Arabia through a series of ghazvas, or razzias (the origin of the English word “raid”). The ghazva was designed to terrorize the infidels, convince them that their civilization was doomed and force them to submit to Islamic rule. Those who participated in the ghazva were known as the ghazis, or raiders.
After each ghazva, the Prophet ordered the creation of a rabat—or a point of contact at the heart of the infidel territory raided. The rabat consisted of an area for prayer, a section for the raiders to eat and rest and facilities to train and prepare for future razzias. [The "athletic" component I alluded to earlier.] Later Muslim rulers used the tactic of ghazva to conquer territory in the Persian and Byzantine empires. After each raid, they built a rabat to prepare for the next razzia.
[NB:] It is no coincidence that Islamists routinely use the term ghazva to describe the 9/11 attacks against New York and Washington. The terrorists who carried out the attack are referred to as ghazis or shahids (martyrs).
Read the rest here.
“Another massive Islamic compound in middle America” via Memphis Islamic Center plans $6.5M expansion – Memphis Business Journal. h/t Vinenco (thanks to Creeping)
The Memphis Islamic Center plans this summer to launch construction of the first phase of a $6.5 million recreational center in Shelby County.
The MIC is accepting bids from general contractors to build a multifunctional hall as part of a planned Family Life Center on vacant land at 10299 Humphrey Road, next door to its current 6,000-square-foot facility.
The three-phase, 63,144-square-foot project will eventually include an indoor gym, exercise rooms, classrooms, a daycare area, a library and more worship space, said Dr. Bashar Shala, chairman of the MIC board.
The MIC’s 55-acre campus could also eventually have an elderly care and community medical facility, Shala said.
Memphis-based Pickering Firm Inc. is the project’s engineer and architect.
Back in 2010, a news article noted: Plans to Build Massive Islamic Centers Raise Concerns in Tennessee
At the end of the first Iraq war, the United States designated Nashville, Tenn., to be a “gateway city” for refugees fleeing their war-torn country, setting the stage for what has become, less than 20 years later, a rapidly growing Muslim population in the Volunteer State.
This is happening all over the U.S. and within 40-50 years your children and their children will wonder why Americans let this happen as they fight for their lives.
As the Muslim population grows and their communities spread throughout the state, religious leaders say their places of worship must do the same, spurring the construction of mosques and the massive Islamic centers that host them in several Tennessee cities, including Murfreesboro, Memphis and Antioch.
But the physical size of these Islamic centers – and the associations and writings of some of the leaders behind them – are raising some concerns nationwide.
One of those leaders is a favorite guest of the MIC, an imam who calls Christians and Jews filthy and that their lives hold no value in the state of jihad.

and vicious Islamic Jew-hatred:

“Hitler never intended to mass-destroy
the Jews… The Hoax of the Holocaust — I advise you to read this
book, you’ll want to write this down — The Hoax of the
Holocaust, a very good book. All of this is false propaganda…””
— Yasir Qadhi, one of Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow
Here is another astonishing anti-Jewish rant from Tennessee imam Yasir Qadhi. Charles Jacobs tells me that Qadhi tried to scrub it and another clip in which he said that the Christians are mushrikoon (those who worship others besides Allah) from the
internet by filing a copyright claim with YouTube, but he filed a legal counter-notification and had it restored.
We are told we must “respect” this savagery. Anyone who respects this is a monster.
Imam Yasir Qadhi lectured at the Boston jihad bombers’ mosque in April 2009, and has advocated replacing U.S. democracy with Islamic rule …
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee William Killian has vowed to criminalize postings on social media that critcize or offend Islam or offend Muslims like the Memphis imam Yaser Qadi. Has Killian seen any of these clips? Can Bill Killian point to any other religion that so exhorts believers to hatred, genocide and violence? Will Killian vow to criminalize this vicious Jew-hatred that is commanded in the Quran? Will Killian ban the hate speech in the Quran?
Note also Qadhi’s words about jihad, quoting Muhammad: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify la illaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah].”
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