Or lack thereof.
Before I get to the more current news, I want to back-track just a
bit. Stay with me: see where I am going.
As you may recall, at the end of March, we were expected to release a last
group of terrorists, as per original arrangements to bring Abbas to the
table. But the voices raised in opposition to this here in Israel were
strong. And there was a very serious issue with regard to releasing Arabs
who were Israeli citizens – the PA having been under the impression that we
would because this is what Kerry told them, although Israel had not
Our government assessed the situation. There were no direct
negotiations going on. And Abbas had let it be known that once he had
those prisoners, he was going to walk out. And so, Netanyahu, seeing no
gain in such a move, cancelled that prisoner release, thereby eliciting rage
from the Palestinian Arabs.
Enter the US, which attempted to “salvage” the situation. Rumors
abounded about a deal in which we would release all of the last group of
prisoners, and another 400 to boot, and the US would release Jonathan
Pollard. Whatever its precise parameters, there was some sort of deal on
the cusp of being completed. And then Abbas signed all of those applications for
membership in international organizations and conventions, thereby quite
deliberately scotching the deal.
At that point, Netanyahu declared that no prisoners would be released
unless the applications to international agencies were voided. And that is
my point here.
The applications were not voided and have in fact been accepted.
According to what Netanyahu had said, we might have thought that the issue of
releasing prisoners was dead.
Ah, but then we would not have reckoned sufficiently with Kerry’s
determination to keep going at all costs, or with Netanyahu’s readiness, under
duress, to help him achieve that goal.
Last Friday, Gil Hoffman, political analyst for the JPost, wrote an article
about how Netanyahu had lost his majority in the cabinet for approving a deal
that would see those prisoners released (apparently including the Israeli Arabs
– who would have been banished from Israel), if Pollard were to be released, and
the PA would stay at the table for an extended period of time.
The majority (of one) was lost because after the terror attack: Public
Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch (Yisrael Beitenu) said he could not
longer vote for a prisoner release since Abbas had not condemned it.
My point here is simple: Netanyahu, who said there would be no prisoner
release if Abbas did not void international memberships, was prepared to waive
that stipulation and go ahead anyway.
Not for a second do I make light of the enormous pressure that Kerry brings
to bear. And yet, and yet... A leader must stand on principle, adhere to
his word. Or else, where are we? Floundering, is where.
A note about Jonathan Pollard, who has been pulled around like a marionette
on a string – he’ll be released, he won’t, he will, he won’t. What the Americans
have done in this regard is despicable and beneath contempt.
With it all, however, perhaps something that will benefit him has been
accomplished. It had been argued in certain quarters that he couldn’t be
released because he represented a security risk. Patent nonsense after all
these years, even if it might have been true in the beginning. But now it
is demonstrably nonsense. If it was OK to release him in the
context of Israeli-PA relations, then, clearly, it is OK to release him.
I urge that efforts to release Pollard be intensified.
As to quickly changing events on the scene:
Last night, I wrote about meetings on unity between the PA (Fatah) and
Hamas, indicating that Abbas’s approach to Hamas was one more ploy. There
was ample reason to think this. But it appears that this was not the case
after all:
According to Al Jazeera, a Fatah delegation headed
by Azzam
al-Ahmad met Hamas leaders,
including Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (pictured below) and senior official
Musa Abu Marzouk, in Gaza yesterday. At the end of the meeting it was
announced that a unity government would be established within five

Said Haniyeh, "the possibility for further separation
between the two movements is no longer possible given the current
From the Hamas perspective, anything that pulls Abbas away from Kerry’s
incessant pressure to “negotiate” and into the “jihad” sphere is a good
thing. From the Fatah, perspective, Abbas is thumbing his nose at the West
and removing himself from a no-win situation.
The deal includes the following:
- A government (I believe of technocrats) to be established within five week.
- Elections for the presidency and legislature within six months.
- Hamas and Islamic Jihad join the PLO.
The matter of Hamas joining the PLO has huge significance. This is
something that Hamas has sought for a long time, for it confers power.
Technically, Israel negotiates with the PLO, not the PA. Consider the
A few comments here:
The fact that the unity agreement was announced does not guarantee genuine
success. There have been multiple unity agreements that have fallen apart
at one stage or another. Whether motivation is truly different now, because the
situation is different, is something we’ll have to watch.
But, as much as there are inherent tensions between the two movements,
there is also considerable affinity. Their ideologies are not so different
– as both Fatah and Hamas want Israel gone; only the methodologies vary.
As much as Abbas has been intransigent in dealings with Israel, so is Hamas
intransigent in its demands of Fatah. What I have observed over the years is
that Fatah contact with Hamas further radicalizes Fatah. Do not for a
fraction of a second be taken in by left-wing arguments that claim Fatah will
“moderate” Hamas and bring it to the table for peace.
For the time being, this truly does seem to be the kiss of death for the
“peace negotiations.” When news of the meeting first surfaced, Netanyahu
declared that Abbas could choose peace or Hamas but could not have both.
And, he added, rather pointlessly, even though Fatah had not chosen peace until
now he hoped at this point it would.
After the formalization of the unity agreement was announced, Netanyahu
observed that Abbas had chosen Hamas and not peace.
Here is a perfect case in point for what I discussed above. We must
be able to count on it – that this is Israel’s red line and that there will be
no further negotiations if Fatah is in a unity arrangement with Hamas. “Does he want peace with Hamas or peace with Israel? You
can have one but not the other.” (Emphasis added)
It would seem to be a no-brainer. But there is always that slight
unease, that Kerry’s presence will again be felt, and a loophole will be found
that permits Israeli talks with the “Fatah branch” of the new unity government –
or some such double talk.
At any rate, talks scheduled for today were cancelled by Israel.
While Abbas is playing the “good partner,” acting as if he can do a
reconciliation with Hamas and continue to pursue negotiations with Israel.
His people will be meeting with US representatives.
The official statement from Abbas’s
"There is no incompatibility between reconciliation
and negotiations, especially as we are committed to a just peace based on a
two-state solution in accordance with resolutions of international
"In the interest of the
Palestinian people, it is necessary to preserve the unity of land and
people...This approach, supported on the Arab and international levels,
strengthen[s] the capacity of Palestinian negotiators to achieve the two-state
Does Kerry – who spoke about Abbas’s dedication to pursuing peace – feel
the complete fool yet?
© Arlene Kushner.
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