Saturday, May 31, 2014

EU Brags About Pouring $ Billions into Failed Terrorist Entity

At a time when a wide swath of its members are in dire financial condition, the EU Commission boasted about its latest €200 million infusion into the PA and the Potemkin Village Agency, UNRWA.

European Union Commission announced another huge infusion of cash for the PA and UNRWA

The European Union issued an astounding press release on Wednesday, May 28. At a time when a wide swath of its members are in dire financial condition, the EU Commission boasted about its latest €200 million infusion into the Palestinian Authority and the Potemkin Village Agency, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Although the EU claimed that its largesse helps provide “vital basic services to the Palestinian people (such as education, health relief and social services)” the funds the fill the PA coffers also provide blood money to the families of  “martyrs” who died killing Jews, and to imprisoned murderers of Jews.
Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, commented: “The EU intends, through its contributions to the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA, to help sustain key Palestinian institutions and to provide a social safety net for refugees.”
The Commissioner added: “The PEGASE mechanism is open for contributions to Member States and other donors wishing to deliver their support to the Palestinian Authority through a rapid, well-functioning and transparent system.”
PEGASE (which stands for the ‘Mécanisme Palestino-Européen de Gestion de l’Aide Socio-Economique’) is the mechanism through which the EU helps the Palestinian Authority build the institutions of the future independent Palestinian State. Through the payment of salaries of civil servants and pensioners it ensures that essential public services keep operating; in addition PEGASE provides for social allowances to those Palestinian households living in extreme poverty. As was the case in 2013, the EU PEGASE contribution for 2014 includes a component of €13 million to alleviate the debts of East Jerusalem hospitals and promote the reform of the health referral system.
The EU statement went on to explain that it provides funds, through UNRWA, to “Palestine refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.”
Referring to itself as a “major donor and a reliable partner to both the PA and UNRWA,” the EU has been “providing over €300 million each year to the Palestinian people.”
Between 1994 and 2006, the European Union provided more than €2.7 billion in support to the Palestinian Arabs.
But just bragging about its own hemorrhaging of funds into the ever-widening vortex of Palestinian Arab need, the EU statement also extols the moral virtues of a government which promotes genocidal murderers as national heroes.
Since its establishment in early 2008, the PEGASE mechanism has sustained the Palestinian Authority (PA) in its effort to pursue the fundamental values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The EU Commission statement ends on an ominous note. It mentions that both the PA and UNRWA are in “an extremely deep financial crisis” presumably that is why those two entities require the vast amounts of aid. But the EU explains that the crises are “aggravated by uncertainty over the transfer of revenues from Israel and diminished donors contributions.”
In other words, some donors have grown wise to the fact that the PA’s continued adherence to a corrupt political system and a goal of destroying its Jewish neighbor instead of improving the lives of its own people. Perhaps this information was included to prepare the people who actually pay for the vast sums being sent from the EU to the PA and its nanny UN agency that still more will be required of them.

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