Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Low-Intensity Conflict Security Report #92 May 2014

These reports are translated and publicized by Yehudit Tayar for Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron with the clearance and confirmation of the IDF.  Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron is a voluntary emergency medical organization with over 500 volunteer doctors, paramedics, medics who are on call 24/7 and work along with the IDF, 669 IAF Airborne Rescue, the security officers and personal throughout Yesha and the Jordan Valley, and with MDA.

New road opened that shortens the distance to Ramat Mamre from Bet Anun Junction

We are now allowed to disclose the following:  Security Forces in joint operation with police arrested an illegal person in Israel who admitted in his interrogation that he planned to carry out a kidnapping terror attack in the community of Avtalin.

Morad Ali-Hasin, 25 in custody first in 9.08 active in the Jihad Islami Terror Organization confessed that during  April 2014 he carried out several attempted terror attacks in the Misgav Region including an attempt to kidnap an Israeli and hold him in order to release terrorists in jail.  19.4 he attempted to enter a home in Avtelin near Carmiel, in order to kidnap fortunately the owner of the home prevented the abduction.

He also admitted in his interrogation that he had thrown fire bombs at cars in various occasions.  Along with him several other illegals were arrested.


During the night a memorial was placed at Tapuach Junction in memory of Aviatar Brovsky HY"D.

Exchange fire between IDF and terrorists in Jenin – 2 explosive devices thrown at IDF force –no injured

During the night 12 wanted terrorists were apprehended with weapons – ammunition and improvised explosive devices.

On 22.5.14 a serious charge was brought against him : attempted kidnapping in order to murder or blackmail, possession of weapons and endangering of lives.

Arab from the village of Bet Fajar arrested suspected of breaking into a home in Efrat


Taxi driver reported his car stolen at Karnei Shomron junction by Arabs who fled to Azun

Gaza Border :

Near the security Fence in southern Gaza IDF force attacked by explosive device – no injuries – slight damage to engineering equipment.

4 Wanted terrorists arrested : Askar north west  of Shchem -1, Katna, north–east of Ramalla-1, A'Tira, south-east of Ramallah -1, Edna east of of Hevron -1

Qalandia – 40 Arabs rioted


During the night 5 wanted terrorists were caught and arrested by IDF forces. 3- in Silat El Chartia, morth west of Jenin, Ilar south-west of Jenin- 1, Calkilia -1


The security forces decided to re-open the road at Bet Anun towards Hevron  after being closed during the last 10 years because of terror attacks

Shomron Region:

May 18: electric pole set on fire near Itamar causing power failure for the communities in the region from 6 until 9:30 p.m.


IDF force in operation in Jenin disclosed weapons and improvised explosive device was thrown on the force 1 IDF soldier lightly injured – did not need evacuation.  In addition fire bombs were thrown on the force.

Rock attacks:

Jordan Valley:

Near Argaman on Highway 90 causing damage

Jerusalem Region:

Policeman injured lightly in his leg near the Gate of Flowers in the Old City

Etzion: IDF saw 2 Arabs that seemed suspicious near Kibbutz Migdal Oz- arrested them and found weapons in their possession.

Shomron Region:

Near Sebastia

Near Yitzhar Junction

At Hawara

Benjamin Region :

At Turmous Aya

Near Rachelim from passing car causing damage – no injuries

Highway 465 bus attacked near Dir Abu Mishal causing damage

Near Bet El : at Jelazoun Refugee Camp IDF identified 3 terrorists placing explosive device – during the arrest 1 suspect and 1 terrorist were injured in the ankle from gunfire during the arrests.  IDF medical team evacuated to Hadassah Mt. of Olives hospital with light injuries in ankle.

North of Ophra Israeli Arab injured in his head from rock attack when the terrorists thought he was Jewish.  IDF giving medical treatment – because of head injury evacuated stat to hospital.

Near Arab school north of Eli

Psagot causing damage

Abud bypass

North of Ophra

Near Hizma causing damage

Between Givat Asaf and Ophra near Psagot

Highway 465 between Kochav Hashachar in the direction of Migdalim near the village of El Moroyiar barricade of rocks was put in the road – IDF responded

Shomron Region:

Between Bruchin and Ali Zahav Square

Yakir Junction

2 Arabs injured by other Arabs who threw rocks at IDF force- Sahar Haadom evacuated the injured.

1 km south of Opharim

Between Shave Shomron and Einav

Highway 446 between Ali Zahav and Bruchin pipe bomb causing the road to be closed

Near Hizma

Etzion Region:

Near east Halhul Junction bus attacked

Between Bet Umar and Caarmei Zur bus attacked

Near Carmei Zur

Between Ma'aleh Amos and Ivi Hanachal Junction  causing road accident when the driver lost control after being hit with rocks- no injuries

Near Tekoa causing damage to window.  Also near Arab Tekoa

Near Ma'aleh Amos

El Hadar

El Arub- tourist bus attacked by rocks near Yehudah Farm – near the place where Asher and Yonatan Palmer HY"D were murdered. No injured but window damaged.

El Arub

El Arub bus attacked causing damage

Near Amos Junction in an attempt to cause an accident -  2 buckets of paint were thrown towards a bus- damage to side only

Hevron Region:

At cars next to Bet Hashalom Hevron

Medical and Fire Fighter teams working on fire in parking lot of the trucks near the Cave of the Patriarchs the house nearby was full of smoke and the tenants waited to be rescued on the roof.

Near Bet Hadassah rocks and fire bombs at IDF


300 meters west of Halhul Bridge

Medical team who were treating an injured Arab boy from a road accident along with IDF medical team were attacked by Arabs

Pharmacy check post near the Cave of the Patriarchs

Cross Judea Highway near Olive Junction

El Hadar Junction causing damage to window of car

Halhul Bridge causing damage to Israeli and Arab car

Cross Judea Highway about 40 Arabs students of the school attacked cars with rocks and slingshots.

Southern Hevron Hills:

Between Metarim and Sussia near Libna Junction

Negohot causing damage

Ma'aleh Hever junction attempted murder with rock thrown from moving vehicle at car coming towards them shattered the front window by miracle it did not end in murder as in the Palmer terror incident HY"D.

Bet Hagai Junction: another attempted murder rock thrown from moving vehicle

Fire bombs:

Jerusalem :

Near Rockefeller Junction – no injuries

Benjamin Region:

Road north of Ophra 2 fire bombs- no injuries

Fire bomb thrown on car on Highway 465 near Dir Abu Mishal- no injuries

Highway 465 near Meir Spring near Neve Zuf

Near Neve Zuf Highway 465

Kochav Ya'akov- fire bombs thrown on security fence causing fire to break out. Security force of the community took care of the fire.

Etzion Region:

At the west entrance to Kirayt Netafim.  Also near the entrance to Migdal Oz 3 Arabs were apprehended with a knife in their possession.


Posted By YMedad to My Right Word

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