Follow the story in real time:
outdone the major opposition party—UMP—and trounced the governing
Socialists in last week’s European elections, Marine Le Pen went off to
Brussels today, looking for allies. If she can form a block of at least
25 deputies representing seven different countries, she will drastically
improve her chances to influence EU policy while sharing in the perks:
funding, chauffeur-driven cars, offices, legislative privileges, etc.
The Front National itself has 24 Eurodeputies; the problem is finding
the 7 nations. More or less assured of her alliance with Geert Wilders’
Freedom Party, the Austrian FPO, Belgium’s Vlams Blang, she is hard put
to find the missing allies. Both UKIP and the Danish People’s Party have
ruled out any alliance with the FN. On the other hand, Marine Le Pen
can’t risk alliances with blatantly anti-Semitic antidemocratic parties
like Golden Dawn, Jobbik, and other minor parties of similar persuasion.
do committed and potential allies know about the Front National?
Apparently not much. Marine Le Pen has pursued a forceful normalization
strategy to rid the Front National of the sleazy image shaped by her
father Jean-Marie Le Pen and upheld by party leaders and rank & file
over the past 40 years since its founding. For some mysterious reason
this window dressing has been respected by French media and gone
unnoticed, with rare exceptions, in international media.
One of these exceptions, Gatestone Institute, links to Marine Le Pen’s foreign January 22nd
foreign policy press conference, where she presents a superficially
reasonable foreign policy and a seemingly brilliant advisor, Aymeric
Chauprade, political scientist, author, professor, advisor, world
traveler, and more. You don’t have to understand French to see how
professional it looks. But you have to listen very carefully to Mme. Le
Pen’s presentation to recognize the underlying values, affinities,
logic, passion, and motives. (summarized in the Gatestone article
it have anything to do with the anti-jihad hopes pinned on the Front
Natinal by well-informed thinkers with no hateful undertones? Does it
have anything remotely concerned with the hopes of Europeans for relief
from Eurabian oppression?
Aymeric Chauprrade, Marine Le Pen’s foreign policy chief—imagine
him Minister of Foreign Affairs in a future Le Pen government—believes
that we are victims of an Atlantico-Zionist conspiracy. Big banks,
American imperialism, and Zionism are conspiring to rule the world and
ruin the decent European citizen who wants to live a decent life in a
sovereign nation. Chauprade believes that the CIA infiltrates jihadi
groups and triggers human bomb explosions when and where it suits the
evil American purposes. These jihadis, as he describes them, are sort of
sleepy misguided losers who would sit around smoking pot if the
Americans didn’t push them into senseless action. 9/11 for example: an
inside job, a prime example of American manipulation of otherwise
innocent Muslims.
carefully to Marine Le Pen’s major foreign policy statement it is clear
that the arch-enemy is not Islam or Islamization, it is the United
States of America. Marine Le Pen accuses the French government of
increasingly falling under the influence of the United States to the
point of making friends with Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, France
should improve relations with Iran and Russia. Though the Front National
is opposed to nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, Iran should be
allowed to develop nuclear power for peaceful civilian purposes. Iran
should have been invited to the Geneva 2 Conference on Syria. The
Americans and Germans impose sanctions on Iran while sneaking in by the
back door in preparation for juicy business as soon as the sanctions are
lifted… or before.
Le Pen will give a press conference from Brussels shortly. An update
will follow. BFM TV reports that Nigel Farage of UKIP, who is in fierce
competition to form a Eurexit group, met with a delegation from Italy’s
Northern League, allegedly committed to Marine Le Pen’s alliance.

Nidra Poller
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