Friday, May 30, 2014

NYT caves to Muslims, forces ad to modify use of “Islamist”

via Proving Our Point :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
A full-page ad by the Investigative Project on Terrorism in Wednesday’s New York Times, followed by a prominent ad Thursday on the Times‘ website, is generating attention and controversy.
That’s no surprise.
The ad called for the end of a prohibition on references to jihad and radical Islam in government publications and programs. It cited several examples of terrorist attacks motivated by radical Islamist ideology, and showed how organized groups try to bully anyone who calls attention to the connection. To do so, they argue, is inherently bigoted and blames all Muslims for the actions of a relative few.
Those critical of the ad cast it as anti-Muslim and Islamophobic.
That, too, is no surprise. If anything, it reinforces the ad’s message.

When the IPT writes that CAIR was founded as part of a Hamas-support network in the United States, it cites the official assessment of the FBI, reinforced by a written opinion from a federal judge who reviewed the evidence and found “at least a prima facie case as to CAIR’s involvement in a conspiracy to support Hamas.”
Open-minded people who take the time to review the record, including the original source documents admitted into evidence in a 2008 Hamas-support trial, are left scratching their heads by CAIR’s ability to deny history.
“It is astonishing, given this history, that the mainstream American media should routinely describe CAIR as ‘a Muslim civil rights organization,’” Peter Skerry, a former legislative director for Rep. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and senior fellow at Duke University’s Kenan Institute for Ethics, wrote in an article for the Brookings Institution in 2011. “It is one thing for CAIR’s leaders to ritualistically deny and obfuscate the organization’s origins; it is quite another for America’s academic, political, and media elites to systematically ignore them.”
The Times said it would pull the ad from its website mid Thursday if the IPT refused to alter the text. The change demanded was fairly subtle. Originally, the ad said, “Stop the Islamist groups from undermining America’s security, liberty and free speech.” Now, it says, “Stop the radical Islamist groups…”
It’s a minor distinction. But it came after Times’ officials reviewed the ad in advance and found that it met their standards for publication. It was only after “being inundated with customer complaints” was the change ordered by publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.
The Muslims – and the application of sharia – are winning. IPT should have replaced every instance of Islamist with Islamic. The only place such a distinction is made is in the West.

Read it all at IPT News.

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