Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pope: If Only I Had A Wall Like This !

That’s my caption for this iconic photo.
If he had a wall like this, his flock might be better protected from Islamist killings which have now reached epidemic proportions.
Like in Nigeria, where last week 162 were killed and another 120 injured by two bus bombs set of in a market in the Christian district.
Or the previous month when 105 were massacred and 50 left wounded in the Christian village of Yar Galadina.
Or in Somalia where a girl was pulled out of her Mogadishu home and killed for confirming her Christian faith.

Or Kenya where, in March, gunmen shot 6 and wounded 17 in a Mombassa church while shouting Allahu Akhbar.
Your Holiness – please check out this exhaustive list of Islamist attacks on your people since 9-11. 
This may be a new phenomenon for you.
But take it from us – the most hunted and oppressed nation in the history of the world.
We’ve learned how to look after our own.

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