Sunday, May 25, 2014

Synchronized video of Beitunia incident

Elder of Ziyon

I synchronized the gunshots from the CNN video to the CCTV videos of the Beitunia "Nakba Day" incident to show what happened from multiple angles.

Unlike the way CNN presented it, the gunshot at the beginning of their footage is the one that lines up with Nadim Nawarah falling down (opposite the direction of the shot.) The second shot seems to have come from the same position but I couldn't figure out which policeman shot it (you need to see the original CNN video to look more carefully) but the bystanders flinch at both the first and second shot. Also the ambulance scenes and shouting line up, so this video is the best way to try to piece together the facts on this specific shooting.
Click here to view video

It is obvious, as we showed on Friday, that the shot that coincided with his fall came from a gun with a rubber bullet attachment.

This is best viewed full screen.

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