Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Gaza is Playground of Rich Arabs

John Rossomando
A confidential State Department cable from February 2006 describes former Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who founded Al-Jazeera by a royal decree in 1996, as a "a big friend of Hamas." He notably pledged $400 million to Hamas's cash-strapped government in Gaza during an October 2012 state visit. (Qatar, Iran and Hamas are part of the Muslim Brotherhood network - Islamic Shia sect)
Back in 2006, Al-Thani gave $50 million to the then Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. Al-Thani may have abdicated in 2013 in favor of his son, but the change has not lessened Qatar 's financial commitment to Hamas. Qatar's Prime Minister Abdullah bin Naser bin Khalifa Al Thani announced in June that Qatar would give Hamas $60 million to pay the salaries of its civil servants in Gaza. (Many of them are Hamas affiliated terrorists)

Qatar twice provided sanctuary to Meshaal (Hamas leader) after he wore out his welcome elsewhere. Jordan kicked him out in 1999, and he had to leave Damascus in 2011 after relations between Hamas and the Assad regime soured over the Syrian civil war.
Osama bin Laden discussed Qatar Charity in 1993 as an important fundraising source for al-Qaida - underscoring its long history of funding terrorism.
Al-Jazeera America came into being after the Al-Jazeera Media Network purchased Current TV from former Vice President Al Gore and other investors in January 2013. Worries about Qatar using Al-Jazeera America as a propaganda tool surfaced almost immediately.
Al-Jazeera America 's uncritical coverage of the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)'s effort to weaken the terrorism watch list is one example of the slanted coverage. The FBI cut off contact with CAIR in 2008, based on evidence it uncovered tying CAIR and its founders to a Hamas support network.
Clearly, the terror ties of Al-Jazeera America 's Qatari owners should be further examined by U.S. regulatory authorities and members of Congress because many questions remain to be answered regarding the network's independence from foreign control. (Australian government backed TV station SBS provides Al-Jazeera English with two hours screening daily! But the problem not in Qatar, but with the US government. Recently Nancy Pelosi said: "Qataris have told me 'Hamas is a Human Rights Organization..." and she eagerly 'believed' them!)
An unconditional 72-hour ceasefire was announced by Secretary of State Kerry and UNSC Ban Ki-Moon. Around 90 minutes into the ceasefire Hamas launched a suicide attack. Three soldiers were killed by Hamas terrorists. Hamas also breached the truce with a score of rockets and mortar shells. And now Israel declared another useless ceasefire!
Italian reporter Gabriele Barbati, who has now left Gaza and is no longer under direct threat of retaliation by Hamas, is telling the truth about what's going on there. Hamas bombed the Palestinian camp in Shati - not Israel. "I confirm now that out #Gaza. The massacre of children yesterday in Shati isn't #Israele's fault. #IDF True release. It was Hamas rocket." (But nobody care about the truth, as long as Jews can be blamed!)
Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak
The Western democratic world needs to face the truth and develop a plan of effective combating Islamic expansionism. It is obvious that strong traditional anti-Semitic hate still exists, anti-Israelism, but they must face reality for the sake of their own preservation. Procrastination will bring the demise of democracy!
Israeli troops entering Gaza and uncovered many tunnels used by Hamas to send armed terrorists into Israel and built using an estimated 800,000 tons of concrete. What else might that much concrete build? Erecting Dubai 's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest tower, required 110,000 tons of concrete. Hamas, then, could've treated itself to seven such monstrosities and still had a few tens of thousands of tons to spare.
The idea that one of Hamas's main command bunkers is located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war. So why aren't reporters in Gaza ferreting it out? The precise location of a large underground bunker equipped with sophisticated communications equipment and housing some part of the leadership of a major terrorist organization beneath a major hospital would seem to qualify as a world-class scoop. So why aren't reporters in Gaza ferreting it out?
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement is using Abbas' speech last week as a trigger for more violence. Fatah threatens "to turn Tel Aviv into a ball of fire." A new video promoting violence opens with Mahmoud Abbas' speech from last week in which he, as Palestinian Media Watch reported, presented the current conflict as a religious "war for Allah" by citing a verse from the Quran: "Permission (to fight) has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory." (Surah 22:39)
The Russian Kornet-E and the 9M113 Konkurs guided missiles which Hamas has fired against them don't leave a scratch, thanks to the Chariot-4 tank's Armored Shield Protection-Active Trophy missile defense system, the Windbreaker. Hamas fears that the IDF's 401st armored brigade's tanks, the only ones fitted with this armor, will spearhead Israel's decisive assault on its underground high command.
The IDF confirmed firing a mortar round into a Gaza UN shelter where 15 people died, but denied killing anyone at the site. IDF spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, said that terrorists "in the vicinity" of the school fired mortar rounds and anti-tank rockets at Israeli forces. (It took the IDF 3 days to make this statement - No wonder Israel is losing the 'media war'!)
Four children were killed on Saturday, 27 July, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula when a mortar round hit their home, in an apparent attack by militants targeting soldiers, security officials said.
Hamas killed at least 25 Palestinian civilians it suspected of collaborating with Israel. Hamas publicly blamed the killings of the Palestinian suspects on Israel.
American Jewish Congress President Jack Rosen sent a letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, demanding that Erdogan returned an award given to him by the AJC because he does not deserve it any longer. Erdogan received the prestigious Profile of Courage award in 2004 for his "stances on fighting terrorism", but a decade later he has become "arguably the most virulent anti-Israel leader in the world - spewing dangerous rhetoric for political gain and inciting the Turkish population to violence against the Jewish people," Rosen said.
Hamas militants are attempting to negotiate a new arms deal with North Korea to obtain hundreds of missiles together with communications equipment that will improve the ability of Hamas to fight Israeli forces in the future.
The Israel Air Force carried out a surgical strike on a warehouse in Sudan housing long-range missiles destined for Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Sudanese government imposed a total media blackout on the incident to cover up its relationship with Hamas. Sudan claimed the warehouse contained training equipment and not rockets.
Quote of the Week:
"I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready... If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God's help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel , so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there." - Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, ultimatum to Hamas - I hope he was serious about the annexation of Gaza . But why declare ceasefires?
July 24, New York: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed concern about the truth of President Barack Obama's oft-stated proclamation "I have Israel's back." Does he have Israel's back or does he actually have the Hamas terrorists back? A number of his recent decisions forced ZOA to confront this question. The ZOA issued today the following statement: "In recent weeks alone, President Obama has:
Supported the formation of a Hamas/Fatah Palestinian Authority (PA) unity regime, meaning that Hamas, a Nazi-like terrorist organization which calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel and the worldwide murder of Jews, would be part of the PA and, as such, a recipient of US funding.
Called and worked actively for an immediate ceasefire, which would prevent Israel from completing the vital mission it undertook - and which President Obama originally claimed he supported - to eliminate Hamas' rocket capacity and destroy its newly discovered terror tunnel network...
Had Secretary of State John Kerry announce this week in Cairo $47 million in additional aid to Gaza... This aid to Hamas is also likely in contravention of US law, which prohibits funding Hamas and other designated terrorist organizations.
Had the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) impose, not merely a warning, but an astonishing and unnecessary ban on flight to Israel ... The FAA generally issues warnings, rather than outright flight bans, which makes this ban on flights to Tel Aviv all the more extraordinary.
All of this leaves us puzzled and concerned. President Obama is not only now exhibiting a troubling pattern of engaging, shoring up, and aiding radical Islamic regimes like Hamas, but has a longer record pointing in the same direction of favoring radical Islamic regimes and movements and disfavoring their opponents. Specifically, and as the ZOA has already previously pointed out:
&in February 2011, President Obama called for Mubarak to step down "now"...
When the Muslim Brotherhood senior leader and the Brotherhood's candidate or president, Mohamed Morsi was, unsurprisingly, elected president, President Obama did not discontinue arming the regime...
Last year, following somewhat tightened UN Security Council sanctions on Iran, President Obama agreed to immediately weaken them, granting Iran some $20 billion in sanctions relief over 6 months (not merely $6-7 billion, as the Administration initially claimed) under the terms of the Geneva interim agreement...
Last month, President Obama freed five senior Taliban terrorist commanders in exchange for an American serviceman who may have been a deserter. President Obama's record vis-a-vis radical Islamic regimes and movements speaks for itself.
Recommend Reading :

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