Saturday, September 01, 2007

Thirteen injured, including French journalist in clashes between Executive Forces and Fatah members

Gaza – Ma'an - Thousands of Fatah supporters and various factions from the Palestinian Liberation Organization held Friday prayers in several city squares rather than in the mosques to protest what they call "incitement from imams who belong to Hamas in Gaza."

The thousands of worshippers prayed as hundreds of Hamas-affiliated Executive Forces members looked on, carrying guns and batons.

Prayer leaders called for national unity and asked the worshippers to disperse peacefully.

As the prayer ended hundreds of Fatah members took to the streets chanting slogans in praise of Sameh Madhoon, the Fatah member killed by Executive Forces on June 4 2007 as television crews filmed what was happening.

The Fatah supporters started throwing home-made explosive devices at the Executive Forces, and clashes erupted.

Palestinian medical sources told Ma'an's Gaza correspondent that three people had been injured, including a French journalist.

Also, ten people were injured in Rafah when clashes broke out between Fatah supporters and the Executive Forces after Friday prayers.

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