Friday, March 28, 2008

YouTube censors Islamorealistic documentary

Robert Spencer

Geert Wilders is not alone. I received this email this morning:

Dear Mr. Spencer,

Sagunto here, from the Netherlands with a censorship alert.

This morning, I received several messages from the YouTube "service-team" which stated that the videos featuring the documentary Islam, what the West needs to know (with my Dutch subtitles) were removed from my account, due to "inappropriate content" after they had been flagged by some users. . It can't be due to protests from the producers, because I got permission from Mr. Greg Davis to put the vid's with the Dutch subtitles on the YouTube channel.

So I asked them the following question (but up to this moment I received no answer):

"Dear people @ Youtube,

Today I received several messages about the hugely popular documentary "Islam, what the West needs to know", which was apparently removed from my account due to inappropriate content (I have to translate here from the message in Dutch which stated: "ongepast materiaal").

The documentary is almost exclusively based on well known Islamic sources themselves, so you might understand that I'm rather curious as to the reasons why these vid's were removed and what exactly was considered offensive or inappropriate material. Do the people at YouTube consider the Koran/Hadith to be offensive? I think the 44.000 people who saw this documentary would be well served if they knew the reasons behind this decision. I'd like to hear from you."

This is a serious set-back for free speech at YouTube. They apparently have succumbed to islamist pressuregroups.

Kindest regards from Amsterdam

"They apparently have succumbed to islamist pressuregroups." It certainly wouldn't be the first time.

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