Sunday, December 28, 2008

Arab point of view:The Blood of Gaza…A Business Venture!

Tariq Alhomayed

A grim and bloody theatrical play named the "Palestinian cause" has been recurring for decades, with the same scenes, and lies; there is nothing new except for its victims. [A play with] opportunistic factions and Israeli crimes, and Arab denunciation and condemnation.What is the difference between what is happening in Gaza and what took place in the Israeli-Hezbollah War [2006 Lebanon War]?

Nothing! In Lebanon 1200 Lebanese citizens were killed in comparison to two Israelis, while today in Gaza one Israeli was killed in comparison to 270 Palestinians, and this number is expected to increase.

Of course Hamas leaders have asked the Arabs for more than statements of condemnation, indeed [they have asked us] to surrender our will with regards to war and peace to Hamas! Khalid Mishal [leader of Hamas political bureau] will decree when to make peace, and when to launch rocket attacks, while we hear and obey!

The lines of coordination are clear; Hezbollah prepared public opinion more than a week ago by calling for demonstrations for Gaza which resulted in forceful demonstrations in Bahrain. While today the Iranian-affiliated Hezbollah group released a statement saying that "denunciation by the Arab League and the Arab countries is no longer enough to cover its shameful political stance, because allowing the siege of the Palestinian people to continue is tantamount to participation in it, instead these countries should support [the Palestinian] people on all military and civil levels to make it more capable of facing this aggression."

This statement is similar to the Hamas statement which said that "it is up to the regional parties to assume their responsibility towards what is happening [in Gaza] and stop Israeli aggression, there are some parties who are not innocent of our people's blood."

While the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood also came out to say that Egypt is complicit in what is happening in Gaza, while not mentioning anything with regards to Khalid Mishal's host [Syrian President Bashar Al Assad] who is preparing to begin direct negotiations with Israel!

And so as was expected today we are facing demands of holding an emergency Arab summit, the question then is what is the difference between this summit [perhaps to be held in Doha on Friday] and previous emergency summits? What we need is not an emergency summit but a decisive Arab stance, a position that will bring the responsible party to account. If this current escalation was caused by Hamas and Iran to prevent the expected negotiations between Syria and Israel, then let us call a spade a spade. And if [the current escalation] was caused to strengthen the Syrian position, then let that be made clear also.

It is also an Arab duty to inform the public that what Hamas is doing in Gaza –and the thwarting of the peace efforts made by Egypt- is equivalent to casting a vote for Netanyahu in the Israeli elections. For the extremist always look for an extremist [on the other side] to justify his position. Netanyahu's ascension to the head of the Israeli cabinet will justify the actions of Iran or Hamas, or even the existence of Hezbollah weaponry, in Arab public opinion.

Israeli's obvious crimes must not blind us to what Hamas did and is still doing to the people of Gaza, and to the Palestinian cause as a whole, otherwise we will have become false witnesses in the glorification of bloody positions. Therefore leniency towards Hamas will cause the Arab world to become a partner in [causing] the suffering of the Palestinians.

Standing besides those involved with the [Palestinian] issue does not mean turning them into [political] playing cards to be used by Hamas, and those who stand behind Hamas. The Arabs must call a spade a spade so long as Hamas and those who stand behind the Hamas movement do not hesitate to make accusations and bring charges of treason against the Arab world. Let them bear the responsibility [of their own actions], if only once.

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