Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Abbas Refuses Jewish Israel

Malkah Fleisher
Apr 27 '09, Iyar 3, 5769

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas openly refused Monday to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. The statement came as a direct slap against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's insistence that such an acknowledgement is a necessary condition for "progress" in final-status talks.An uproar ensued in the PA two weeks ago following an initial statement by Netanyahu aides in which it appeared the prime minister had issued an ultimatum, with PA officials calling Netanyahu's insistence on this basic understanding a "provocation" and promising a "poisonous effect" on the Israel-PA relationship. Netanyahu later clarified that recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people was a necessary component for progress in negotiations with the PA, although it would not prevent the initiation of the talks.

This is the first time since Netanyahu's statement on the matter that Abbas has publicly rejected the notion of Israel as a Jewish State.

"A Jewish state, what is that supposed to mean?" Abbas asked at a speech Monday in Ramallah. "You can call yourselves what you want, but I don't accept it and I say so publicly."

The Ramallah-based Abbas government has been propped up by the United States and Israel since the PA's first democratic election in 2006, in which the Hamas terrorist organization won almost twice the number of parliamentary seats as Fatah. Both Israel and the United States rejected the election results, and instituted Fatah leader Abbas as PA "President," calling him a "moderate" alternative to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and political bureau chief, Khaled Mashaal, who is based in Damascus.

Israel has also thwarted several assassination attempts on Abbas by providing intelligence to Ramallah-based PA officials before the attempts could take place.

Abbas will meet for talks in Washington, D.C. with U.S. President Barack Obama on May 28, 10 days after Netanyahu meets with the American president, according to the Jordan Times.


Jordan: Israel Faces War
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Jordan: Israel Faces War

Israel faces all-out war within 18 months if it does not come to terms with the Arab world and allow the establishment of a new Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, according to Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

The Hashemite monarch also declared on America's Meet the Press television program Sunday that threats from Iran and Al Qaeda will fade away once Jerusalem is divided.

His position basically echoed the Palestinian Authority (PA) stand that its demands are a condition for peace and are not a matter for negotiation, despite diplomatic and media language about Israel and the PA each making concessions.

The king responded to virtually every question concerning the Middle East by pointing to Jerusalem. “In Arab and Muslim minds, the most emotional aspect is the Palestinian cause and that of Jerusalem. And from there leads all the other problems,” he argued.

When program host David Gregory asked if it’s not a “fantasy’ to think that the problem of Al Qaeda will disappear so easily, the Jordanian monarch answered, ”What -- what is Al Qaeda’s platform is -- is the plight of the Palestinians in Jerusalem under occupation.”

Gregory challenged him that the terrorist organization may not believe what it says, but King Abdullah II was unmoved. “You can’t really take them that seriously when the core issue, the major grievance in the Arab and Muslim world is solved,” he explained.

He followed the same track concerning Iran and “any crisis you want to talk about…. All roads lead back to Jerusalem.”

The king, who visited U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit to the United States, was equally emphatic and simplistic concerning the Iranian nuclear threat, which worries the Arab world as well as Israel.

Asked by Gregory what is the best way for the U.S. to persuade Iran to retreat from its nuclear program, King Abdullah II responded, "Solving the Israeli-Palestinian problem.” Gregory asked, “That’s it?” and the king explained, "That allows us to then solve the Israeli-Arab-Muslim problem.”

He continued, “Let me go back to saying I think that the challenge we have here in America is connecting the dots. If you have an issue of the threat that Iran poses to Israel, which is what Netanyahu was saying, the best way of solving that problem is solving the core issue, which is the Palestinian problem and that of Jerusalem.

“There’s more of an incentive for the Iranians to continue down that path when there’s an argument that they want to use in front of their people that Palestinians are under occupation.

The Jordanian monarch held out the chance for Israel to make peace with 57 countries that do not recognize Israel today. “Look, Israel, if you solve the Palestinian problem, if you allow us to solve the problems of Jerusalem, we all want to have peace with you.”

He warned that if Israel does not deal with the Arab demands over Jerusalem within the next 18 months, “there will be another conflict between Israel and another protagonist. He charged that outside interference, meaning the U.S., is a requirement to force a peace agreement.

“America is providing a new image of what and how things should be done. And I think that the world has a belief in the president, a lot of faith in what he has to say. Obviously the pressure on the president is to deliver,” he added.

So Israel has to decide, does it want to make a relationship with 57 nations or does it want to stay Fortress Israel?

On the subject of human rights and allegations that Jordan served as a proxy jailer for the U.S. and used brutal methods of interrogation, the king denied all charges. “I went straight back to my director of intelligence at the time and I said, ‘Is there any foundation to this?” King Abdullah II answered. “And he said, categorically, no. So I’d like to think that my people were telling me the truth.”
Guest letter: To: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Prime Minister

Dear Mr. Netanyahu,

It is obscenely humiliating that the sovereign and democratic State of Israel is seeking to obtain from a terrorist in a blue suit, who represents a terror organization, her Jewish State status recognition.

What exactly will Israel achieve if Mahmud Abbas—Abu Mazen says: ‘Yes, Israel is a Jewish State’? What meaning will this ‘recognition’ have when it is said by a man who is a Holocaust denier who does not believe is decency and has no life values?

Since when a man who has Jewish-Israeli blood on his hands is to be the procurer of Israel being a Jewish or not Jewish state license? Isn’t it the least to say humiliation of the first order?

As Israel’s Prime Minister the second time over, I hardly have to remind you that it was not too long ago when you stood shoulders to shoulder with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat seeking to achieve peace with this ‘mamzer’ and you returned home empty handed and most frustrated.

Abbas will not recognize Israel as a Jewish State because it is humiliating for Muslims to live under the rule of their world’s worst foe—the Jews. Surely you know this fact by now!

It is time that we, Jews-Israelis, do not need to ask anyone as to our identity.

On Israel’s 61st birthday the list of gifts she wants from the Arabs is short: admit, not recognize, that Israel is a Jewish Israel. If not, you are not invited to the party of the Jewish State called Israel.

Take it or leave it.

Happy Yom Ha’atzmaut.

Nurit Greenger

Los Angeles, Californian USA

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