Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nice try UC-Irvine May Hate Fest!

Adding to your awareness-this annual event at UC-Irvine in California is promoting, once again, anti-semitism and the UC system turns it head-again. Well, the following is part of the campaign to offer the truth.My reply (Nurit) to the below: Israel: The Politics of Genocide

It is most apparent that the moron who wrote this is a Leftist and a Liberal and anti-Semitic who has no clue about the reality, truth and facts on the ground.

Israel is not illegally occupying anything. It won a fair and square war against five Arabic countries that attacked her. A nation that gains territories in a war it won can decide what to do with those territories. If Israel acted smart just after 1967 these territories’ border lines with Israel would have been long ago erased and these territories land would have been long ago densely settled and populated by Jews and the world would have long forgotten what was there before…remember the world has a very short memory span…it would have been given that these territories are integral part of the Land of Israel. But Israel has participated with UNRWA and allowed the Palestinian-Arabs to remain on being refugees, who, for 61 years have been blaming Israel for all their suffering, though have brought it all upon themselves.

It is true that foe 61 years the Palestinian-Arabs have been statelessness but they do not really want t have a state. Read below.

It is a total fabrication that for 61 years there is a systematic ethnic cleansing. The only ethnic cleansing was Israel unilateral withdrawal from Gaza leaving Gaza a Judenreit-Jew Free—land.

The Palestinians have lost thousands of lives because they kill each other. Also they go on attacking Israel and Israel must defend itself, thus more of them are killed. The Israeli lost thousands of lives from terror and rockets attacks but no mention of this.

After 1948 the total Arab refugee count was 30,000, none were displaced by anyone, rather they fled on their own occur. All these people, their refugee status had long expired, became refugees because they listened to their stupid leaders and have fled Israel at the outbreak of 1948 war with the hope that when they come back, few days later, Israel will be theirs, which did not happen. It is not Israel fault that UNRWA deliberately kept these 30,000 self inflicted refugees in camps and did not settle them within the refugee status time limit and for 61 years they have become millions in numbers because their birth rate is high, no matter how bad their living conditions are. I guess that when you do not work and you do not have anything positive to do all you can think of doing is having sex or go kill Israelis or your brethrens.

The reason the Palestinian-Arabs believe they need to be resolve and steadfast in their resistance is:

The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics propagate and teach their people that the Israelis—the victims—are a constant threat to them, so that their people are totally convinced they were acting in self-defense when constantly attacking Israel.

It is not true that Israel is violating international law; rather it is the Palestinians who violate international law with impunity because the lacking moral compass world have allowed them to do so.

The people who have innocent blood on hand are the Palestinian-Arabs. The only blood the Israelis have on their hands is of Palestinian-Arab people who lost their lives in wars Israel had to go fight to defend herself.

Indeed, the American people have Israeli blood, not Palestinian-Arabs—stains on their hands because the American taxpayer is funding the terror organizations Fatah, PLO and Hamas.

It is not true that there is a perpetual dehumanization of the Palestinian-Arabs by Israel. Rather, it is the Palestinian-Arabs who perpetually dehumanize Israelis and Jews in their mosques, in their text books and in their media.

The stupid, naïve and misinformed United States citizens tax payers’ dollars is funding Fatah military training and then, with their combat knowhow they go kill more Israelis.

Only people like this writer confirm to us that ignorance is weakness so tell him to know the truth. His self-inflicted ignorance is suicidal. And this kind of moron deems that his worst enemy is the one who tells him the truth. The hardest thing to explain to such a moron is the glaringly evident which he had decided not to see.




The Arabs lies, the entire world has bought into, evolved into a reality named ‘Palestinians’ and a ’Palestinian State’ that apparently must be established on the State of Israel’s legal land, has perturbed me a great deal. I therefore decided to put an effort and combine as many facts as possible on the issue so the truth is in front of as many.

If these eternal refugees really want a state to call their own, not a legal enclave from where they can and will continue attacking Israel in anyway they can, there is plenty of land in Jordan to accommodate them all; why does Israel has to sacrifice the little bit of land she is still left with and risk that this ’Palestinian State’ will become a prosperous nation, not another terrorist enclave like Gaza. There is not one bit of historical evidence to believe that this miracle will actually happen.

Please pass it on.—thank you, Nurit

This article ‘Why The 'Palestinians' Have No Right To A State‘—with no political correctness—was written in 2000…all the articles on and about the same subject, and there were so many of them—three (3) below—end up telling us the very same. Therefore, Israel must not see herself obliged to agree to a Palestinian-Arab state; the Palestinian-Arabs do not deserve to have statehood nor they want one!

Never mind what the skewed minded world thinks; no matter how much they pressure Israel to agree to peace and Palestinian-Arab state; Israel must continue emphasizing to the world, as well as follow it herself, the facts on the ground, not the world’s delusions, mirage and fantasy rhetoric.

All the four (4) articles, below, provide the precise reasons as to why we ’don’t give the Palestinian-Arabs a state that will sit on the borders of Israel’.

End of story!—Nurit

Here is the list according to categories, (1) historical—political, (2) religion, (3) geopolitical, (4) anthropological, and (5) behavioral characteristics, as to why the Palestinian-Arabs are not worthy of having statehood carved out of the heart of the Homeland of Israel on area that beyond all doubts legally belongs to Israel:

(1) Historical-Political

* There was never an independent Arab state called Palestine
* During the Ottoman Empire that lasted from 1299–1923 and ruled the land, called Palestina, Palestine or the Land Holly Land, Palestine was a backwoods Turkish province
* e. There is no hope of the Palestinians ever honestly electing their leaders
* f. The Palestinians will accept whatever tyrant proves the most inscrutable to lead their tribe
* g. The PLO/Fatah and Hamas have no political morals
* h. At most parts, the PLO/Fatah and have brought nothing but misery to their followers
* The Palestinian leaders and their factotums are totally corrupt, stealing every penny of public money they can lay their hands on; all other funds disappear into the Palestinian leaders’ private bank accounts
* j. The PLO/Fatah and Hamas' strong-arm tactics have brought in just enough protection money to buy arms and pay the militias, but not enough honest funds to initiate a prosperous nation
* k. The PLO/Fatah and Hamas and their police torture people they don't like
* l. The PLO/Fatah and Hamas execute people without due process of law
* There was never an Arab Palestinian nationalist movement until 1964
* There is no ancient Palestinian history
* The Palestinians are neither a unique people, nor a separate people with their own history
* The Arabs (Palestinians) rulers are a reflection of their people
* The Arabs (Palestinians) are a group of people defending themselves from attacks from all directions and they did not defeat or destroy Israel

(2) Religion

* There were never any pilgrimages to the "holy" Al Aqsa mosque

* Jerusalem is not the third holiest site of Islam
* Jerusalem is not the third holiest site of Islam (Mecca and Medina are Islam two holy cities)
* Until the Israelis liberated Temple Mount 1967Jerusalem was never mentioned; Arabs ended up living in East Jerusalem the Jews simply could not defend and hold on to during their 1948 Independence War against five (5) Arabs Nations
* Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran
* Mohammed never claimed he was in Jerusalem
* There is no Palestinian religion; they are Muslims
* The Al Aqsa Mosque and Shrine Of Omar are built atop the ancient Jewish Holy temple

(3) Geopolitical

* The Palestinians are not a nation
* The Palestinians and their political leadership bring war and instability to wherever they reside, whether it is Jordan, Lebanon or in the very territories Israel already handed over to them, i.e. Gaza and areas in Judea and Samaria
* The people who, since 1967, decided to call themselves ‘Palestinians’ are nothing but a ragtag collection of Middle Eastern Arab people
* According to British demographic surveys the majority of ‘Palestinians’ arrived in Israel after 1917, seeking economic opportunities
* The Arabs, with the full assistance—financial, ‘moral’ and political—of the U.N, kept their refugees’ status and these 500,000 refugees have been living the refugee camps for 61 yeas. Not one Arab country is offering to compensate 800,000 Sephardic Jews whose assets were stolen when they were forced to flee, in the 40s and 50s, the Arab countries where they lived for centuries. Israel took in the 800,000 Sephardic Jews refugees and settled each and every one of them; the Arab countries refuse to take back these ‘refugees’ each one of them, in fact, holds citizenship in the country they left to seek work in Israel
* Palestinians already have a nation; it is called Jordan; in Jordan, the indigenous—‘Palestinian’ majority is ruled by Bedouin ‘royalty’ from Mecca
* From 1948 to 1967 the Jordanians had control of the West Bank and never once offered it as a Palestinian state
* The Egyptians held the Gaza Strip for much longer then from 1948 to 1967. They didn't create a Palestinian state there; why? Because there were no Palestinian people living there

(4) Anthropological

* There are no world renowned Palestinian artists
* There are no world renowned scientists
* There are no world renowned Palestinian literary
* There are no world renowned Palestinian masterpiece
* There is no Palestinian recognizable culture
* There are no Palestinian inventions
* There is nothing that distinguishes Palestinians as a people

* There is no Palestinian language; it is Arabic they speak
* The Arabs (Palestinians) are not fit for civilization at all

(5) Behavioral characteristic

* The Arabs point of view on all matters relevant to Israel and Jews is baseless and prejudiced
* They are too egotistical, hotheaded, selfish and immature of qualify as a responsible nation therefore, no one wants them as neighbors because
* No one would sign a meaningful agreement with any Palestinian leader because agreements are always broken
* The PLO/Fatah's diplomats have no ethics and lie with impunity
* The PLO/Fatah's diplomats will always be diplomats of a terror organization, never of a nation, because nations must abide by their commitments
* To make media propaganda points, the Palestinians send their children to their deaths
* Real nations care about their young, their future generation
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas and their allied Islamic organizations practice child sacrifice under the guise of martyrdom
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas have no morals
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas sole motivation is to instill hate from one generation to the next
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics propagate and nurture hate condition among their population causing them to be willing and anxious to commit genocide
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics propagate and teach their people that the Israelis—the victims—are a constant threat to them, so that their people are totally convinced they were acting in self-defense when constantly attacking Israel

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics constantly dehumanize the Israelis and Jews—the victims—so that the killers—the Arabs (Palestinians) people—are convinced that they were not destroying real human beings

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics promote all the components of past genocides against the Israelis and Jews

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics promise the eventual genocide of the Jews because Jews are the enemies of humanity and threat to all Muslims and humanity

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas religious leader tell their people that the Jews hate Muhammad and Islam is in their souls and they are naturally disposed to it

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas leaders and clerics tell their people that Israel is a cancer that wants to rule the world

· The PLO/Fatah and Hamas religious leader threaten that the time will come, by Allah's will, when the Jews’ property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth

· In the PA-Fatah media demonize Jews and Israelis through malicious libels, including the lies that Israel intentionally spreads AIDS and drugs among Palestinians, conducts Nazi-like medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners and is planning to destroy the Aksa Mosque

· Hamas and the PA describe Jews as loathsome and dangerous animals, including cockroaches, spiders, scorpions and alligators

* The Palestinians know nothing of the creation of beauty
* The Palestinians do not engage in serious scholarship
* The Palestinians do not pass anything of greatness down the ages
* The Palestinians have no legacy; their legacy is pure destruction
* No one will do a business investment with the Palestinians because of the payoffs and bribes involved in setting up shop
* A business that will open will be shut down or destroyed by terrorism and civil war
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas will not tolerate free expression
* The PLO/Fatah and Hamas offer no rights to women
* The Arabs (Palestinians) have a discourse of conspiracy and they blame everything on others
* All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arabs (Palestinians)

If this list is not convincing, then we are dealing with total insanity!



Why The 'Palestinians' Have No Right To A State

By Barry Chamish chamish@netvision.net.il


(Barry Chamish is one is Israel's most controversial journalists. His work appears on this site regularly. Replies and Comments are always welcome.)

There was so much to tell this week. The death of Leah Rabin, a year after she publicly demanded a reinvestigation of her husband's murder. The suspicious silence of her two children this year about their father's equally suspicious demise. The dragging out of a beaten, drugged, threatened Yigal Amir to once again confess before the cameras of Channel Two. The use of Channel Two hostess Ilana Dayan as a conduit of disinformation for the Shabak.

And then there was the truth that the media exposed. Hatsofe tore apart the lies in Carmi Gillon's book and wrote that he was covering up his own crimes. The same Hatsofe finally publishing suspicions of Shimon Peres' involvement in Rabin's murder. Tel Aviv Magazine's interview with Eyal Shomroni Cohen, the recently fired attorney for the Shabak provocateur Avishai Raviv, revealing that he had seen the cut 30 seconds of the assassination film and what it revealed, "would shock the nation." Yoav Yitzhaki in Maariv exposing the collaboration between the police, the prosecution and Channel One in the destruction of the incriminating Avishai Raviv initiation ceremony film. Marriv's Ratings Magazine exposing Israeli television's coverup of the Rabin murder conspiracy...and more.

But all that has been swept under the carpet by the PLO's murders of innocents.

Two weeks ago, the respected political site Rumors Of War asked me to begin an on-line debate with Arab analysts. I never debate Arabs because I feel their point of view on all matters relevant to me is baseless and prejudiced. I agreed to begin such a debate if I could choose the topic; one, which for once, an Israeli doesn't have to begin with on the defensive. My subject for debate was, Do The Palestinians Deserve A State? After two weeks, no one has bothered to join in the debate. So here are the major points which were never discussed on Rumors Of War:

There was never an independent Arab state called Palestine. At best, Palestine was a backwoods Turkish province. Hence, there were no pilgrimages to the "holy" Al Aqsa mosque. Jerusalem is not the third holiest site of Islam. Mecca and Medina are holy; Jerusalem was never mentioned in the same breath until the liberation of the Temple Mount by the Israelis in 1967.

The Palestinians and their political leadership bring war and instability to wherever they reside, be it Jordan, Lebanon or in the very territories Israel recently handed over to them. No one wants them as neighbors because they are too egotistical, hotheaded, selfish and immature of qualify as a responsible nation.

And no one would sign a meaningful agreement with any Palestinian leader because agreements are always broken. Israel learned the hard way, that the PLO's diplomats have no ethics and lie with impunity. They will always be diplomats of a terror organization, never of a nation, because nations must abide by their commitments.

There is no hope of the Palestinians ever honestly electing their leaders.

At best, this ragtag collection of Middle Eastern peoples will accept whatever tyrant proves the most inscrutable and leads their tribe after Arafat.

The Palestinians send their children to their deaths to make media propaganda points. Real nations care about their young. The PLO and its allied Islamic organizations practice child sacrifice under the guise of martyrdom.

The PLO has no morals, national or otherwise. Their sole motivation is to instill hate from one generation to the next.

The PLO has brought nothing but misery to its followers. The Palestinians know nothing of the creation of beauty, engage in no serious scholarship, pass nothing of greatness down the ages. Their legacy is purely of destruction.

The Palestinian leaders and their factotums are totally corrupt, stealing every penny of public money they can lay their hands on. No one seriously accepts that financial aid will actually reach the people. And no one will make a business investment in the Palestinians because of the payoffs and bribes involved in setting up shop. And for what? A business that will be shut down or destroyed by terrorism and civil war? The PLO's strongarm tactics have brought in just enough protection money to buy arms and pay the militias, but not enough honest funds to initiate a prosperous nation.

The PLO and its police torture people they don't like. They execute people without due process of law. Whatever Palestinian courts do exist, none do so to protect the rights of the accused.

The PLO will not tolerate free expression and arrest and torture journalists who criticize the regime.

The PLO offers no rights to women. Only among its followers in the Christian community, can women receive higher education and responsible jobs.

There is no Palestinian language.

There is no Palestinian religion.

Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran.

Mohammed never claimed he was in Jerusalem.

The Al Aqsa Mosque and Shrine Of Omar are built atop the ancient Jewish temples.

The Jews held sovereignty over Jerusalem for 1300 years; the Arabs, a mere fraction of the time.

There was never an Arab Palestinian nationalist movement until 1964.

The majority of "Palestinians" according to British demographic surveys arrived in Israel after 1917, seeking economic opportunities.

No one is offering to compensate the 800,000 Sephardic Jews whose assets were stolen when they were forced out of Arab countries in the 40s and 50s. Israel took in their refugees, the Arabs kept their 500,000 in camps.

The Palestinians already have a nation, Jordan. There, the indigenous majority is ruled by Bedouin royalty from Mecca. The Jordanians had control of the West Bank from 1948 to 1967 and never once offered it as a Palestinian state. Why not? The Egyptians held the Gaza Strip for much longer. Why didn't they create a Palestinian state if there were Palestinian people living there?

There is no ancient Palestinian history. There are no world renowned Palestinian artists, scientists, not one Palestinian literary masterpiece, no recognizable culture, no inventions... nothing that distinguishes Palestinians as a people.

They are neither a unique people, nor a separate people with their own history. The Palestinians do not deserve a nation because they are not a nation.


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